View Full Version : Changing categories of View Objects

2005-04-10, 03:50 PM
After I have made an object, say a sweep for roof trim and a return, but failed to assign it a view category. Is there a way I can reassign the properties? So far I have not found a way and have discovered the error of my ways and have since used the correct procedure from the start, but still want to correct my mistakes, if possible.

It really showed up in printing where the trim printed despite 'Hiding Object', the offending pieces appeared, though grayed out, in the final output.

2005-04-10, 09:54 PM
Select the sweep. Select it again > Edit Sweep - you now have the Visibility button available to change settings.

2005-04-11, 12:41 AM
Thanks Beegee,

Got that part, but what I failed to do correctly was to assign the proper subcatagory under Identity Data in Properties. I want to reassign subcatgories but think I am up the creek. What I did was to make a roof sweep and return but assigned it to Casework, without thinking, because I was in a hurry and that was the first catagory that popped up. Since then I think I should have assigned it to Roof and created another subcatagory for Sweep.

Since it is associated with a roof, it seemed to me to be the logical course. I think I can work around this by by assigning it a subcatagory in Casework, at least to be able to turn off it's visibility. But this is strictly a Rube Goldberg workaround and I am searching for a way to get it to the proper catagory without reproducing it.

2005-04-11, 01:19 AM
In- Place sweep ? Same process, but select Settings > Family categories and Parameters and change to Roof, then save , back out.

Arnel Aguel
2005-04-11, 01:31 AM
It is still possible to re-assign it to a roof category. Pick the sweep click edit then pick the sweep again click edit sweep, from the settings pull down menu click family category and parameters re-assign to roof then from sweep properties assign to sub-category and finally finish the family.

Beegee is just too fast for me. LOL

2005-04-11, 09:34 AM
Thanks again Beegee,

You are always the best help. It's nice to know that when I dig a hole there may actually be a way out.