View Full Version : 2021 disappearing Dimensions

2020-07-31, 11:12 PM
Has anyone else experienced this ghostly phenomenon.
I've dimensioned my project floor plan 3 times now. And every time I shut down Revit and reopen the project, a third or so of the dimensions have disappeared.
I'm thinking about moving out before something real bad happens.
Any advice??
Thank You

Duncan Lithgow
2020-08-05, 12:00 PM
Sadly I've seen this too often and never really found a satisfactory solution - or any solution. Sometimes it seem to help to be 100% sure everything being dimensioned is 100% parallel. I've also had success starting my dimensions changing at the opposite end ... ! I hope we get some better suggestions.

2020-08-05, 10:06 PM
Are there linked models/DWG that these dimensions are associated with? If so, then it's possible other activities in those links are altering Revit's ability to reference the elements correctly. If you make a note of what elements are referenced you might be able to go back and evaluate what/why they were affected. When dimensions are tied to elements that other people might alter through design changes or using Design Options/Views as well a linked files then the local file that is created when you open a file might be slightly out of sync with the current status of the model because they have not sync'd yet.

Duncan Lithgow
2020-08-06, 07:14 AM
... then the local file that is created when you open a file might be slightly out of sync with the current status of the model because they have not sync'd yet.

Hi Steve, can you explain a bit more what you mean? Are you saying that changes that are not yet synched can never the less affect objects in my file?

2020-08-06, 09:31 PM
Regarding linked files and syncing I wrote this post (https://revitoped.blogspot.com/2016/05/tags-dimensions-and-linked-files.html) awhile ago. Assuming two or more people are active in a file one user can add dimensions to elements that another user has deleted or changed. A sync will bring that to their attention because a dimension might not be able to reference the element anymore. Revit's pretty good about it for native elements but not all content is created equal and sometimes for example in a swapped family situation, one family lacks a valid reference in it that the original had. Because one user is seeing the old family and adding a dimension while you or someone else has swapped the family perhaps...even if they sync'd until that person reloads latest or syncs it won't trigger the deleted dimension warning.