View Full Version : show relationships for sketch entities

Wish List System
2020-10-13, 05:21 PM
Summary: Show relationships for sketch entities while editing a sketch in a part

Description: Show relationships for sketch entities while editing a sketch in a part. When a sketch entity is selected, show a dialogue box, browser sub-panel, or some list of relationships for that sketch entity. SolidWorks did this and presented a sortable list of relationships (SW called them mates) that you could review or edit. This made it very easy to understand how your sketch was defined, but was even more helpful when editing someone else's sketches/parts.

Product and Feature: Inventor - Sketching

Submitted By: jmorin-GoldMedal on 10/13/2020

Wish List System
2020-11-10, 12:11 AM
This wish has been reported as granted and already in the software.