View Full Version : 2019 Syntax prefix to make Revit ignore string of text??

2020-11-12, 04:48 PM
I was making a moderately involved family, and I wanted users down the line to consider a couple of things before changing some of the parameters - (most of these are already controlled by a lookup table, and shouldn't need changing). So, the thing I want to do is basically flag these parameters with some kind of note. The formula field (in the 4 blue square dialog box) seems ideal for this, since it is right there where they would notice, if they were going to change something. I know in most coding languages that there are special characters that can be inserted at the beginning of a string, so that it won't be processed. In Visual Basic, I've seen this used to alert the user to various different things. Does this concept hold true for the Revit formula field - is there something I can put in there to make revit ignore it, (and not fail), but still allow me to place some text that might be helpful? (Cross Posted) Thanks!

2020-11-13, 06:02 PM
No, whatever you put in the formula column has to be a valid operation. It isn't for storing notes to users. People sometimes put a parameter above such parameters that provides such information.

2020-11-13, 07:52 PM
Thanks for the reply.