View Full Version : 2019 How can I get a face-based family nested in a generic or specialty equip family to still report elevation?

2020-11-18, 02:05 PM
I see that the face-based system level family will automatically report elevation under the constraints field. However, when it is nested, it no longer reports. I had to nest this family to get it to always be vertical. Is there a work-around for this? Also, is it possible to pull account type info from the hosting element in the reporting of a family, again in a nested family, or is that going to have to be a dynamo routine? Thanks!

2020-11-19, 03:35 PM
Make the height of the faced based family a parameter that is linked into the host family.
As for the Identity Data such as manufacturer and other things available in project, those cannot be reported in the family.

2020-11-19, 10:14 PM
How would I go about that? All the items in my family at the ref level are locked to it, so when I try to add even a zero-dimension parameter there, it over-constrains it...the other items are variable, above and below. Thanks for the reply.

2020-12-10, 03:17 PM
Sorry for the late reply.

You would need to remove all the constraints in the family that are associated to the ref level. Then you would add a new horizontal ref plane above the ref level. Now constrain all the items previously associated to the ref level to the new ref plane. Finally add a dimension between the ref plan and ref level and make it a parameter.