View Full Version : 2021 template file

2021-09-23, 08:52 PM
I am setting up a template file for anything vertical, a Z-Base if you will.

I have generated a file with all the bells and whistles from a previous job. When I try to clean up the file (purge all previous job data) it always crashes the file.

Is there any means or ways for purging out the old Civil 3D data with out making Civil 3D angry and shutting down?

2021-09-23, 09:29 PM
Why not start with a clean (no template) drawing and import settings you want into it?

2021-09-23, 10:11 PM
First you 'should' be able to procedurally clean up (remove) the old data.

What item is causing the crash?
If it's an alignment, get rid of the dependant objects first, the little yellew triangle(s)
are your clue that something is using that thing.
So one would need to get rid of sample lines, corridors, sections, profiles, profile views anr or anything that was dependant on
an alignment BEFORE getting rid of the alignment object.

Otherwise one could start a file with the generic AUTOCAD.DWT as suggested, and then import all of your styles and settings through the manage tab.

If you would like to send that file to me, I would be happy to see if I could kill the old project data for you.