View Full Version : 2018 Point Groups Display in Alphabetical Order

2021-12-06, 09:34 PM
I have a user who has had the point groups list in Prospector change to alphabetical order rather that points group display properties order. The point display is fine, just the order is now alphabetical. He does a refresh to fix but we are trying to understand what causes it. Has anyone experienced this and is there a permanent fix? I am thinking maybe too many groups or some setting but have not found anything like a setvar or other setting.

Thanks for any help.

2021-12-09, 04:04 PM
This may not be the 'fix' you are after.

Select the point group Entry in Prospector

In the panel below, click on the name column to sort, or whatever property column you want to sort by.

The options are
Name, Description, Style, Label Style, Number of Points, or Classification

If you have good descriptions for the groups that might be the most logical sort order to use.

Or use the Point Group Propertis box to reorder the groups the way you want them to appear in Prospector

2021-12-09, 09:13 PM
Yes I see what you mean in the bottom half of the Prospector. It will organize the groups but that is not where the issue is. The issue is directly under the Point Groups listing in the top portion of Prospector. This is the area that is going to alphabetical and has to be refreshed. See clip attached.

2021-12-10, 04:18 PM
Do you have Popint Description Keys in that file?

Note that they are displayed in the Panorama in Alphabetical, Numerical, and or Alpha-Numerical Order

It could be that they are interacting with your point group order in Prospector.
This is happening without out a setting that is controlled by the user.

Just a thought, a test that might prove this, remove the description Key Set, or import your points into a file without one and see if the point group sort order is affected.

2021-12-10, 09:00 PM
We do use description keys but we use them on all our survey data/dwgs and most dwgs are not producing this issue. I suspect that is not the source. Right now I am having the user focus on the number of groups in the dwg to see if that has some effect on updating the groups as they work. Will update thread if we figure anything out.