View Full Version : 2022 Annotate feature line elevations

2022-03-21, 12:44 AM
Is there a way to annotate elevations along a feature line?
I have a feature line connecting inverts of a ditch and I need to calculate the inverts
at various points along that ditch, not necessarily at the shots I have, but somewhere in between.
I don't want to have to insert PI's at those locations, then create a cogo point with the elevation.
I would like to just pick that point and have the software generate the elevation.

2022-03-21, 01:13 PM
A line or curve label style can annotate the start and/or end z of the feature line. You can insert elevation points on a feature line. These elevation points can be used to have that label style annotate each end.

2022-03-22, 06:11 PM
Can you not just simply add the needed Feature Lines to a Surface and use spot elevation labels (anywhere, not just at PI/EPs)?

2022-04-19, 01:19 PM
thanks, that's a great idea. I've actually done that before to create a cross section, but forgot about that method.