View Full Version : 2023 Title Blocks lines issue

2022-08-16, 05:41 AM
I am using Revit LT23, I have an issue where I am creating a new title block, I want a grey background with some block lines across. Looks all good in the family editor, however when I bring into my project the lines move to under the grey background so are no longer visible. The line weight is also wrong. I know they are there as if I extend the line in family past the grey it is visible but not thick enough. I've attached the family if anyone can help? Also screenhot of family and how it looks in project...

2022-08-16, 12:43 PM
I'm not in 2023 revit so I can't look at your file.
As far as the line weight issue, I assume it's because whatever "style" name that is, is assigned a thinner line in your design file, so you'll need to adjust that in that file.
The gray block, did you try "send to back" in the family, save and reload?
Maybe assign a transparency to that gray block?

Hope that helps

2022-08-16, 06:14 PM
As tedg said the lines are likely using the properties which override the properties in the family. Go to Manage --> Additional Settings --> Line Styles and then look for the line type name to edit.
As for the filled regions, you can try breaking the filled regions up into multiple regions that do not overlap the lines in the title block. Filled regions show as transparent visually in titleblock families but if you look at their properties they are masking and it cannot be changed and there is no draw order option in titleblock families either.

2022-08-17, 05:57 AM
Thanks for the suggestions, unfortunately they didn't work. I tried creating a new linetype which is unique to the title block with the correct width - still showed as thin and doesn't solve the issue of being behind the grey. I tried splitting the grey into regions which kind of works so you see lines but as they are just showing as thin lines look pretty meh... I'll keep experimenting anyway...

2022-08-17, 06:06 AM
after a bit more experimenting I amed up the line type width in the project for the title block line to 14 and that worked, plus splitting the grey into regions. So got there thanks!

2022-08-17, 01:03 PM
do by chance have thin lines turned on?

Also the lines in the filled regions can be set to the line types you want, you technically wouldn't even need the lines by themselves.