View Full Version : 2022 Plot & Publish "Errors and warnings found"

2023-01-05, 07:02 PM
Why is my plot style "Incompatible or missing"?

This plot style is current and located in correct support path.

2023-01-05, 07:52 PM
is Background Publishing turned off?

2023-01-05, 08:14 PM
Are you plotting using color based plotting (.ctb) or style based plotting (.stb)? The page setup may be set to the other type than what the drawing is setup for.

Tom Beauford
2023-01-06, 11:48 AM
Instead of "Plot and Publish Details" look at the Plot dialog when you're plotting.
If like Opie suggested the Plot style table is incompatible or missing clicking the down-scroller will display other type of Plot Style (ctb vs stb).
If it's the right Plot Style type but cannot be found you need to find that Plot Style and put it in the Plot Styles folder.

2023-01-10, 09:35 PM
Are you plotting using color based plotting (.ctb) or style based plotting (.stb)? The page setup may be set to the other type than what the drawing is setup for.

I am following this reply up to a point. My plot style is a .ctb and when I used the convertpstyle command it wanted to change it to a .stb. So I think thats not the problem unless I should convert it to a .stb?

Tom Beauford
2023-01-11, 11:36 AM
I am following this reply up to a point. My plot style is a .ctb and when I used the convertpstyle command it wanted to change it to a .stb. So I think thats not the problem unless I should convert it to a .stb?

All the "Plot and Publish Details" can tell you in there's an "Incompatible or missing plot style".
Instead of "Plot and Publish Details" look at the Plot dialog when you're plotting.
If like Opie suggested the Plot style table is incompatible or missing clicking the down-scroller will display other type of Plot Style (ctb vs stb).
If it's the right Plot Style type but cannot be found you need to find that Plot Style and put it in the Plot Styles folder. You may have to get it from wherever you got the drawing.

Most organizations use either ctb or stb and have a few plot styles they use for all their drawings but when we get drawing from others we often have to use the plot styles they furnish to plot them correctly.

Converting a plot style isn't something you normally have to do. I've done it twice in the past 20 years.

2023-01-12, 02:40 PM
Alright Guys, I think I am closing in on the issue. Tom I have had essentially the same experiences you have had. Never really any trouble in this regard.

My new company has us working on virtual computers. There main office and IT dept are in another state. They have us running Civil 3d from their location on a platform call Citrix. The last two times this has happened I completely rebooted and plotting occurred with no errors after the reboot.

I am going to do this one more time before pointing the finger at Citrex.

Do any of you have any awareness of this type of issue?

YEP, Sure enough another first print after a reboot went just fine