View Full Version : 2022 New file or Template File

2023-05-22, 02:56 PM
I have my Template settings set up correctly to the appropriate source folder.

When I go to the AutoCAD File menu and select "New" it is directed at a folder on my C: drive

Question 1: How do I set up the location of selection for the "New" drawing command?

Question 2: Is this not the purpose of setting drawing templates up in "Options"?

2023-05-22, 06:29 PM
So you've set both the File Location & a specific File Name for QNEW?


If so, the behavior you are expecting is what you should get.

For a point of interest, in ACA 2023, using the file menu gets me nothing ... no Open window at all. I hadn't noticed since I use the Start view and can click New there, which takes me to our template folder on the server. In Civil 3D, I get the Open window to our template folder (and clicking "New" in the Start View creates a new drawing based on the QNEW settings).