View Full Version : 2023 What does "Phasing Filter" do under Phasing for Views?

2023-09-01, 03:05 PM
Revit 2023: What does the 'Phasing Filter' located on the properties pallet under Phasing for views do?

2023-09-04, 08:44 PM
Hopefully I am understanding your question:
The Phase Filter that can be assigned to any view allows you display or hide any element of your model, depending when it is created and when it gets demolished.
It is essential for renovation work, for any work involving a demolition plan.
It also controls how each element gets displayed in the demolition plan, etc.

If you go to the Phases tab under Manage tab, you can create (I think an unlimited number) of phases, and phase filters.
Many people just create Existing and New Construction; then each piece of your model (each door, each window, etc) can be told (using properties) when it gets demolished. Each item is normally created in the phase governing the view in which it was created. There are many good videos about this on Utube.

This one from the ever-helpful "Balkan Architect" is a great place to start:


BTW: It can sometimes be an alternative to Revit's Design Options feature. With practice, you can hide small variations on your design in a future phase, and go to that phase if you need them later. It has many uses.

Hope this answers.

2023-10-13, 08:35 PM
Phase Filters allow you to apply specific graphic overrides to the 4 different states (New, Existing, Demolished, Temporary) at which a modeled element can be in depending on its "Phase Created" and "Phase Demolished" parameters.
The states are defined as:

New - created in the phase the view is set to.
Existing - created in a previous phase than what the view is set to.
Demolished - created in a previous phase and demolished in the phase the view is set to.
Temporary - created and demolished in the same phase the view is set to.