View Full Version : 2020 snaps turning off

2024-01-30, 08:09 PM
something changed and I can't find it. everytime I use a civil3d transparent command like plotting a line by bearings it turns off my snaps. any ideas to fix this

2024-02-01, 03:21 PM
Yes. You would need to reset your osnaps afterwards. For some reason, the developers thought it was a good idea to adjust the user defined settings when using the Civil 3D commands, but then not reset the settings to the assigned settings prior to the command.

Once you set your osnaps, check the OSMODE system variable. The number returned is the number you can then assign the OSMODE variable to your desired setting. The System Variable Monitor (SYSVARMONITOR at the command line) could help notify you when that setting is not as desired.

2024-02-01, 08:14 PM
hi thanks i'll look at that it's very frustrating it's not consistent sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't

Ed Jobe
2024-02-02, 03:50 PM
I think you could define your own lisp transparent command that encapsulates the C3D commands and manages snaps.