View Full Version : How do I email a .rvt?

2003-12-12, 05:57 PM
I need to email my client their files but my email can handle 10k and my small houseplan is 5.4 M. How does everyone else do this? Or is there another way? Zipping the file only compacts it by 4%. Is there another way to make Revit files smaller?



2003-12-12, 06:18 PM
You should probably post large files on an FTP site.

That said, we don't typically give the revit file to our clients. If they want an electonic document, we either give them AutoCAD exports with a disclaimer, or dwf files (our preferred method because it prevents the client from making changes on their own.)

I'm sure you have your reasons though.

2003-12-12, 06:20 PM
Get a new email account that allows bigger attachments...10K is ridiculous..I don't even believe it.

You should be able to get a web host deal for $8 month or less that gives you web mail with 3MB attachments or more, plus some ftp space that would allow even more.

2003-12-12, 07:38 PM
Thanks for replying so quickly. I am sending a file to a prospective Revit buyer. I seem to be the one to talk to in my area because I love the program so much. I don't need to send large files regularly, just to people I want to send Revit files to, (my reseller for the newsletter and potential users).
Thank you for the ideas


2003-12-12, 10:03 PM
I wonder if you could post to the customer files newsgroup at revit.community.customer-files. Here's the link via Autodesk:

2003-12-12, 10:22 PM
How close is he and how quickly does he want it? If time and distance are not critical then burn a CD and snail mail it.

2003-12-13, 02:07 AM
If you are using Outlook Express, go to: Tools>Accounts>Properties>Advanced.

Near the bottom, under Sending "break apart messages larger than..."
type the appropriate size. The e-mail attachment will be delivered in as many messages as are required. After all of the messages have been sent, they will consolidate into one e-mail. If they don't, (there's always an if) under Message the last item is combine and decode.

You should alert your recepient not to click on the e-mails as they are coming through. It interferes with the routine. Try it first to yourself.

2003-12-16, 05:09 PM
Thanx for all the replies. I contacted our cable guy and it turns out that our settings were for a "home" account not for "business". Jerks! ! !
Thanx for letting me rant. My mail capacity is now 10 Meg and I am having no problems sending anything. I think my file at the cable company says "Warning, Will hex people who **** her off!!!!!" Everything seems to be working now, email, online, no waiting when I phone helpline......must have said something right.
Thanx again.
