View Full Version : SLUGGISH SYSTEM

2005-04-15, 01:16 PM
I am curious about the configuration of our system. I am by no means very computer literate. I know how to use AutoCAD (currently using 2005)& Office software and do not understand how or why sometimes our system is sluggish. I work for a facility where about 550 people are on the network. Our engineering group consists of about 14 people (that have or are capable of using AutoCAD). I am a novice 3D user at best and have some files that are vary from about 15,000kb to about 48,000kb. When I try to open these files or use most commands in these files it seems quite slow, especially when I create views in paper space. Our "CAD administrator" does not know that much about the network and our "IT" guys don't know that much about AutoCAD to help configure our system properly.
I have attached some print screens of my system (hardware/settings) and wondering if someone can let me know if this is as good as it gets with my system or is there something we are missing to make us run more efficiently than we currently are. If there is any other information that is needed to help please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

2005-04-15, 04:40 PM
In the past 2 weeks I went form 2004, to 2005, and now 2006. What I did notice was that Acad 2005 ran a bit sluggish. Once 2006 was loaded, I noticed a speed increase.

2005-04-16, 12:37 AM

Have a browse of the following threads (hopefully they will offer you one or two things, that might prove useful to look at) -

Complete slow down of CAD (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=4360)

AutoCAD & Windows XP (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=5348)

2004 Lags (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=6395)

Have a good one, Mike