View Full Version : Can i put a label on a specific object style ?

2005-04-16, 06:41 PM
The reason is that i could build more information on my tag and stil be able to manage visibility of them.

2005-04-16, 07:15 PM
You could create a label within the family and control it's visibility as a family type.

Tom Dorner
2005-04-16, 08:19 PM
Remember, Revit is a database and the tag simply "reports" the value of the property fields of the object. If you want to display additional properties of an object that are not contained in the standard Revit list, you can add more property fields via shared parameters. Once you have added the parameters (fields), you simply define tags that display the information you want. You can have numerous versions of a tag. A room tag for example could have one version that simply displays room number and name, another that displays room #, name and area, another that adds finish information. Since tags are annotations in Revit, they are view specific. This means that you can have a view for a floor plan with one type of room tag, and another view for FFE with a different room tag. As you can copy a view with detailing, the room tags will be copied. In the new view you set your VG as required, select all the room tags and simply change them to the type you want that is relevant to the view. A search of this forum and the Revit help file on shared parameters should yield good results.

