View Full Version : Curtain system in massing?

2005-04-18, 05:30 AM
Good day everyone,
I have tried this building shape in massing and later converted it into curtain system, When i put the grids they don't come perpendicular they are slightly tilted at an angle whereas in normal construction the grids have to be perpendicular joints from the bottom to the top plane.I have attached the file ,it will be very kind if anyone could help me out with this query.
Another query i had was If I want to add a new parameter in the room schedule that is length parameter ....what formula will i have to add to get the length parameter and the breadth parameter in my schedule table.? And also how to add the volume parameter in the room schedule.

2005-04-18, 10:03 AM
I can help you with the schedule, but I think only factory can help you with the curtain grid system, but probably in a later release (with curved curtain systems you cannot create angular grids, but maybe if you add them individually, instead of the system)

Go to "edit Schedule" and on your Fields, left column you will find the volume, just add it to your right column. Also, in the same view there is Add Parameter, just add a parameter that is a "length" par. and "depth"(I assume it wasn't breadth? maybe?) also as length. You need to have shared parameters already setup, or else you need to go through the tutorial...