View Full Version : Lower Level/Fdn question for Residential

2005-04-18, 06:49 PM
I am wanting to have a foundation view and a lower level view. I tried to copy the foundation view to make a lower level view, but the walls I add go on both. I am still new to this, so do not laugh to much. What can I do about this?

2005-04-18, 07:04 PM
Go to an elevation and add a new level...

2005-04-19, 03:04 AM
I don't think that adding a new level will help. I'd suggest using the Visibility Graphics (VG) settings or phasing. This way you can have walls that can be turned off in one view, but remain visible in another.

I don't know, can walls have sub-categories? I'd assume this is possible in the Object Styles dialog. Then you can have your exterior foundation walls on the "Walls" category (that is visible) and your interior walls on a sub-category (that is not visible).

2005-04-19, 03:29 AM
The answer is ( deep breath ) - worksets.

Don't be scared of worksets, get to know them and they will be your friends. :)

BTW, walls cannot have sub-categories. They can be defined as non-bearing, bearing, shear and structural combined, and then hidden by view discipline, but that won't help if both walls ( bearing wall and foundation wall ) are structural.

2005-04-19, 05:56 AM
I do not think that worksets are the answer. I agree with Mike.68517. Add a level below the ground plane and set the cut plane so that it shows only foundations.

Arnel Aguel
2005-04-19, 07:42 AM
BTW, walls cannot have sub-categories.

Beegee I think we can assign a wall to a subcategory as long as the wall is constructed as in-place family.

2005-04-19, 01:46 PM
I do not think that worksets are the answer. I agree with Mike.68517. Add a level below the ground plane and set the cut plane so that it shows only foundations.

I also agree with Mike. I suspect from the tone of the question that Phasing/Worksets/Design options may be a little advanced (for now, I could be wrong!!)

I have attached a very basic .rvt. If this is the kind of thing you are after then disect this file paying attention to the View range of the foundation level, the visibility graphics for the foundation level (used to over-ride the appearance of walls to dotted)

If not, could you be a bit more specific in you question.


2005-04-19, 02:32 PM
This is what you can do with worksets.
The foundation wall has no special features. The brick ledge is automatically cut by the wall above. You can identify brick ledge elevations using spot dimensions.

2005-04-19, 09:29 PM
Make sure you have two separate levels. Call one "Lower Level" and the other "Foundation". Make sure you have the walls that are bearing set to bearing. Go to your foundation level and change the discipline to structural.

2005-04-20, 12:24 AM

How did you get the brick to extend down into the foundation?

2005-04-20, 12:46 AM
Edit the wall properties, edit structure, select the brick layer, turn on a section preview, select modify, hover cursor over the lower edge of the brick skin, a blue padlock appears, unlock it, return to the wall properties, the "bottom extension " distance box is now available to enter an offset dimension.

Note. this won't work if the bottom of the wall has been attached.


How did you get the brick to extend down into the foundation?

2005-04-20, 03:21 AM
...and join geometry was used to cut the brick ledge.

2005-04-20, 03:17 PM
Thanks for the info. I will try this with your file you sent as refrence.

2005-04-20, 04:12 PM

I went ahead and made a new level under the ground floor. This made a copy of my Lower Level. I want this level called Level 0 to be for my foundation plan. I tried the visibilty area to turn off certain items. When I went to the visibility to change the walls to override, they did. The problem is I try and make a 10" foundation wall and it does not show up and when I look at the 3d it is not in the correct place. Should I be putting on the walls under the heading of structural foundations not walls?

Thanks for your help


2005-04-21, 08:31 AM
Hello harkeychad,

The most important thing to remember about foundations is that they are drawn with a a wall whose function is foundation. This can be done by making a copy of the foundation class wall that is already in the standard template (at least here in the UK there is one) or by setting the property of the wall to foundation.

Foundation wall draw DOWN from your current level therefore you must set the view properties of you foundation level as follows.
a) The cut plane muse be less than the distance to the next level eg if you have a 900mm (3') foundation depth then set the cut plane to 100mm (4") or so.

b) The view depth should be set to just below your foundation level so that you can 'see' the stuff that exists below your foundation level, something like -100mm (-4")

Have a look at the images


2005-04-21, 04:51 PM

Here is the files I talked about. Thanks again for your help

2005-04-21, 04:57 PM

Lets see if this fdn plan works.

2005-04-22, 08:15 AM
Any chance of getting the actual .rvt file? Try zipping it up and attaching to a post. I don't know if there is a maximum file size limit but I have uploaded 8Mb zip files without problem.

I need to see the settings used for view range of the fdn plan and the properties of the walls on the fdn level.
