View Full Version : Generic Annotation Leader

2005-04-18, 07:27 PM
The generic annotation I have created and loaded into my project works exactly the way I want, except when I add a leader to the annotation in the project. The leader doesn't come from the mid-point of the annotation but rather from the bottom of the annotation, about were one would underline something. I tried moving the text in the family then reloading it but that doesn't seem to work. What am I not figuring out, any help would be much appreciated.

2005-04-18, 08:20 PM
The leader will go to the center of the closest side. Pick the grip at the end of the leader and drag it around, the attachment point will change....

Gadget Man
2005-04-19, 06:34 AM
Did you know..?

When you move your text (in the annotation family editor) from its original position (see picture 1), so its "middle point" is sitting over the "origin" point (crossed reference planes - picture 2), the leader WILL come from the middle of the text!

If you have your text set to "Transparent" it will go right through the text itself as well (will not be hidden behind the text - see picture 3). What's more, if you move your leader to the side or below the text "block", it will snap to the "Repositioning Icon" - see picture 4.

If you want to have your leader to come from the centre of your text, this is what you do:

1) In Family Editor, move your text "block" so it sits over an Origin (pictures 1, 2)
2) Make sure it's set to "Opaque" (not "Transparent")
3) Save it.
4) In your Project, insert your annotation and turn its leader ON.
5) Position the "Middle of the leader" blue dot controll somewhere just above the centre of your text "block" ("breaking " the stright line of the leader - pictures 4, 5 but you can see this middle controll - is hidden under the text...)
6) When you move leader's arrow wherever, it will be comming stright from the "middle" of the text - not snapping to sides or bottom. What's more important, it will not have this radiculous blank "gap" between text and itself (see picture 5). :)