View Full Version : Apartment Units and Common Walls

2005-04-20, 07:25 PM
I was wondering how anyone out there might use groups to do apartment units. If the unit was a simple square shape would you put the common walls on all 4 sides or would you leave some off? I tried doing all 4 walls. When I mirror a unit using the common wall as the centerline I get the error below because I end up with two walls where there should be only one common wall. Does anyone have any suggestions?

"Highlighted walls overlap. Color fills, room tags and room areas may not behave correctly. Use Cut Geometry to embed one wall within the other."

2005-04-20, 08:09 PM
We place a ref. line indicating face of wall in the group for alignment. Then leave all the exterior walls out of the group and only have the walls with doors as a group.
With that said, groups are buggy as hell and cause us a lot of trouble.

If Revit could get this right it would be a dream system. Right now I have a whole office complaining to me.