View Full Version : When is the release of Revit 8 ?

2005-04-21, 03:59 PM
Any word on its release? What is in it? Will it work on Apple? Will it take use of 64 bit processing? ..? ..?

2005-04-21, 05:08 PM
What is in it? /QUOTE]

A whole bunch of things that are under NDA

[QUOTE=anthony.67953]Will it work on Apple?
I doubt it. That's not been signposted by the development team that I am aware of and it isn't in Autodesk's main drive which has seen them become more aligned with Microsoft.

2005-04-21, 06:18 PM
At our vendor's dog & pony show, they said April 22.

That'd be tomorrow, so check back soon!

J. Grouchy
2005-04-21, 06:48 PM
At our vendor's dog & pony show, they said April 22.

That'd be tomorrow, so check back soon!

I'm not expecting drastic changes...maybe a slight interface change for using with Revit Structure?

2005-04-21, 07:36 PM

from some dealer in San Francisco we were told that tomorrow, Friday 22 the release of Revit 8 is


2005-04-21, 07:37 PM
Hoping for major group improvements, but based on my most recent response from support - I'll be disapointed.:sad:

J. Grouchy
2005-04-21, 07:45 PM
I don't like the whole NDA thing...has taken some of the anticipation away from this release.

2005-04-21, 07:54 PM
Damned SEC & their silly rules!

2005-04-21, 08:02 PM
In the UK we were told the 28th

2005-04-22, 02:01 AM
I don't like the whole NDA thing...has taken some of the anticipation away from this release.
I agree, it's kind of a bummer....

2005-04-22, 11:15 AM
Hi Anthony,
I read a post some time back which clarified the intention, well need really, for Revit to follow the 64 bit train.
The answer was along the lines that Revit does not need 64 bit technology, would not necessarily function faster using it, and will likely not be taking much notice of this development for some time.
Hope I am not doing Leonid or Irwin a disservice here, but it was one of them who made the comment.
I was actually heartened to hear this in a way - that the core engine system is not that constricted to need such things. That said, and as noted by the most knowledgeable users on this forum, the need for a fast CPU and maximum RAM first and most for processing, leaves the thought of how the average non corporate user can look to maximise performance in the near future and beyond.
What possibilities are there to move into a Linux environment ? loads of custom code ? is it possible ? Windows just gets more and more cluttered every time a new one or new patch , yet another hot fix or SP comes out.


2005-04-22, 06:50 PM
I think Revit grew up, it was bound to happen.

I once sat eagerly checking the form, first Zoog then AUGI savoring the screen shots and snippets relating to the release to come. Now the factory is unusually quite and beta testers are all bound-up by the NDA. Other changes like the elimination of the live online classes, and a less savvy teck support. I miss the energy that once surrounded such events as the new releases.I think it can only mean one thing Revit indeed grew up, their must be many more of us (users) so Revit went corporate. I am not sure is it was necessary or not but that's what happens. I still wait in anticipation for the release of ver. 8 not only for the new refinements, but the explosion of activity that will fill this form. I am hoping for a flashback to days past.

It's April 22nd no word yet

2005-04-22, 07:06 PM
With regard to the Revit 8 NDA, I note that the members of this group have been very circumspect when it comes to these discussions.

In the last Left Coast Customer Advisory Board Meeting, David Conant explained that version 7.0 would be the last general release. Beginning with 8, new software will have a limited release (beta) to selected users, whose feedback will be part of the final tuning of the software, prior to its general release.

The Revit user base has indeed grown, and with it the task of continuing to pursue enhancements that add value to our use of the software. Let me be the first to thank the development team, in advance, for their efforts.


Tom Dorner
2005-04-22, 07:11 PM
Just received email from Autodesk:

Autodesk Revit Building 8 is on its way!

As an Autodesk Subscription customer, one of the primary benefits to you is the immediate availability of the latest product updates as new versions are released.


2005-04-22, 07:12 PM
I just got the notice that Revit 8.0 is on it's way. Officially!! The Beta was great but can't wait to see the final, debugged version. It was much more efficient to work in 8.0. They get better everytime.

Tom Dorner
2005-04-22, 07:28 PM
Does this mean the NDA is over?

2005-04-22, 07:29 PM
I've just received my notice too.
It's great to be notified:)
Now, where's the digital DL!?!

I want my Bosco!

2005-04-22, 07:30 PM
I'm assuming it won't be available for downloading?

2005-04-22, 07:30 PM
Does this mean the NDA is over?

I'm not breaching that NDA until I'm told too, or not...

2005-04-22, 07:34 PM
No Download?
can anyone explain that with straight face?

2005-04-22, 07:44 PM
Ohhh, I don't think so. Revit will be available as a download. It almost has to. The other applications are (ACAD, ADT, etc.). Besides, that's part of the Revit atmosphere and dogma. I can't imagine that Revit wouldn't be downloadable. In the words of the great Vizzini, "it would be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways inconceivable".

My 2 cents (if that much).

2005-04-22, 08:38 PM
I'll side with Vizzini on this one too...

Keep the faith, and hold your breath, it's x-mas in April, and
Santa's just a bit late!

2005-04-22, 08:50 PM
We just received our email notification that its on the way.

Paul Monsef
2005-04-22, 09:07 PM
"it would be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways inconceivable".
sorry, i can't resist...

"You keep using that word -- I do not think it means what you think it means"


2005-04-22, 11:00 PM
I emailed subscription support and here's what they sent back to me:

"Dear Brad,
I just would like to let you know that Revit Buiding 8 it's not available for download....
media was shipped on April 21 through UPS Ground."

Everyone start emailing and calling Autodesk. Let's find out why.

2005-04-22, 11:16 PM
Surely there are one or two people from Autodesk reading this forum. Feel free to hop in here with an explanation! It's just us CUSTOMERS here!

Scott Hopkins
2005-04-22, 11:19 PM
I emailed subscription support and here's what they sent back to me:

"Dear Brad,
I just would like to let you know that Revit Buiding 8 it's not available for download....
media was shipped on April 21 through UPS Ground."

Everyone start emailing and calling Autodesk. Let's find out why.
UPS Ground is no problem for me - Santa Barbara is usually one of the first places to receive the new Revit disks. I might actually get mine this afternoon. :mrgreen:

Paul Monsef
2005-04-22, 11:29 PM
I emailed subscription support and here's what they sent back to me:

"Dear Brad,
I just would like to let you know that Revit Buiding 8 it's not available for download....
media was shipped on April 21 through UPS Ground."

Everyone start emailing and calling Autodesk. Let's find out why.
It doesn't say Revit will not be available for download; I'm sure it will be made available...

As a subscription customer, i like the idea of getting a CD before any joe schmo can download it. :D

Paul Monsef
2005-04-22, 11:30 PM
UPS Ground is no problem for me - Santa Barbara is usually one of the first places to receive the new Revit disks. I might actually get mine this afternoon. :mrgreen:
At least i had a fighting chance when all i needed to do was hit 'refresh' every second!! :D

2005-04-22, 11:59 PM
From what I see on the "new" web site with the billion year old logo is that Revit will go the way of other Autocrap stuff. I bet corporate has laid out the map for them: One new release per year to match Autocad. No intermediate releases. No download - please contact your reseller. ya da ya da ya da. I suspect the good 'ol days of Revit are starting to come to an end with the introduction of "Building".

2005-04-23, 12:42 AM
What I wonder about is why there was no press release announcing this official release. If the NDA is such a big deal then there should be some formal announcement of all the new features. AutoCAD 2006 has been PR'd quite a bit, so why the big quiet on Revit?

2005-04-23, 07:09 AM
I'm assuming it won't be available for downloading?

After pondering this for several hours, I've concluded that it will be made available for downloading since they get a lot of mileage currently from their 30 day trial download offer.

Autodesk, easily, could have made a download available immediately to those who pay dearly for the subscription service. Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I thought that was one of the perks I signed up for.

Along similar lines, has anyone noticed that Microsoft just released Windows XP 64 in Japan and it won't be available in the US until Monday. I'm interested only because I am holding off buying a new workstation notebook until it can be configured with the new 64 bit OS.

2005-04-23, 09:20 AM

2005-04-23, 12:21 PM
Greek time!

2005-04-23, 01:03 PM
The download issue burns me a bit because for one I thought it was part of the subscription perk. The great irony is one of the great jaw dropper facts that is used in selling Buzzsaw (an Autodesk product) is the excessive amount of money spent on shipping documents (I can't remember the figure). Hence they say use buzzsaw and harness the efficiency of electronic delivery. So what are we doing now. Oh yes waiting for UPS to deal out our copies of Revit in a costly focal fuel time intensive manor. I agree do call and e-mail Autodesk we the consumer have an influence, as I understand it that is part of the reason why Viz is still around?

So not to end on a sour note, that is not the point.
I wold like to thank the Revit team for all their hard work and for what I expect to be another solid well thought out release of the program we all so enjoy. Thanks.

2005-04-23, 02:58 PM
The download issue burns me a bit because for one I thought it was part of the subscription perk.
Actually if you read all the fine print of your subscription you'll see that it really promises nothing. You'll get the next version during that period - if there is a next version. However Autodesk isn't under any obligation to actually deliver anything during that period.

2005-04-23, 05:29 PM
Then someone needs to instruct the resellers not to 'sugar coat' the advantages of buying into the subscription service.

I know, bad on me for not reading the fine print. Most of us don't have the time and rely on trusted sources for guidance. It's not a big deal with waiting a few more days for the hard copy to arrive, but it is a big deal that Autodesk didn't think enough of their faithful followers (who, in all probabiltiy, were instrumental in getting Revit to where it is now) to give an early Christmas present. Taking up to 4 weeks to deliver Revit 8 is unreasonable, given the practice of making previous upgrades available immediately via downloading. It's sort of like taking the kids candy away from them.

I don't expect any special treatment...but it truly would be appreciated!

2005-04-23, 06:24 PM
The release of v8 highlights many of the things that are wrong with Autodesk. I don't think it fixes the problems by plastering a happy face over them. I think it can only help that if enough users speak out, Autodesk will eventually listen.

1. The "download". For obvious reasons, I expected the download to be available immediately, whether or not it's officially part of the subscription. What's really so frustrating though, isn't that it isn't available, it's that there's no explanation. Unfortunately, Autodesk only communicates on a need to know basis (as determined by Autodesk, not its customers). Autodesk knows that their subscribers are expecting the download, but they don't address that expectation. I get a vague email indicating that there's a new version "on it's way"... on it's way next week? next month? They should have posted on their website why it wasn't made available for immediate download and whether or when it would be available for download. This incredibly devoted and excited base of customers have been left disappointed and confused before they've even used the new software. A great example of a way to blow the good will of their customers without even trying.

2. The "NDA". This was completely unacceptable. NDAs are about secrecy, distrust, division and covering things up. If Autodesk wants the benefit of releasing beta software, they need to let their customers use it and discuss it openly. I won't have anything to do with betas until then.

3. Take a look at the Revit website (www.revit.com) and then take a look at the SketchUp website (www.sketchup.com). @Last Software does a much better job of communicating with their customers. The SketchUp site is friendly, informative, and honest about what it does. It also makes the software look like fun. They regularly send out a newsletter describing what they've been up to in their development, what features they're working on, when to expect new releases, etc. The have a great user community. Now, I know that SketchUp and Revit do not compete on a feature to feature basis. But SketchUp _is_ competing with Revit - there are tons of AutoCAD users out there who are on the fence, and see pairing up SketchUp with AutoCAD as at least an interim solution. Revit has had success, but that's relative. Revit is so good that it could wipe the field – but maybe it's these little things that will keep that from happening.

4. Because AutoCAD became such a standard, a lot of people use AutoCAD because they have to. This is not the case with Revit - and Autodesk would be wise to respect that. There's a very strong general dislike for Autodesk in the CAD community, and it's not because of their software. It's because of the way they treat their customers. Most companies would be dying to have this incredibly loyal and enthusiastic group of (Revit) customers, and it's just such a shame that Autodesk seems to take that for granted. It's ironic that Revit's biggest enemy (I use that very loosely) isn't SketchUp, ArchiCAD or Chief Architect - it's Autodesk. And the really pathetic thing is that if Revit ultimately doesn't succeed, Autodesk will blame us.

Like previous posters, I would also like to thank the Revit team for their great work, and most of all, this great community of Revit users. I sincerely hope that Revit's best days are not behind it. Have fun!

2005-04-23, 09:00 PM
Ummm, not knowing until we actually find out is a 50/50 proposition...
There is allot of interesting speculation and theory at this point, with no actual fact to corroborate it...

Will anyone here redact some of the suggestions forwarded above if we happen to find a release on the download site come Monday, or Wednesday,or after the product has well shipped to most subscribers?

Also, there is the issue of piracy. I wonder that at some level this might be one reason that may have stacked the deck against an early/any web release? I would certainly trade the inconvenience of a program CD, if I knew that it greatly reduced the absolute certainty that the program would fall into the hands of a warez cracking group the minute it was released, and potentially be in the hands of user-pirates before all the Cd's had even finished shipping. I wonder how that inevitably affects worldwide sales, pricing and shareholders?

Also, with regards to the NDA, there are issues relating to activity on the stock market that must be held in confidence until the actual release, as well as disclosure issues that potentially leak out to competitors, just to name a few. Is SU a publicly held company? NDA's are a simple fact of life in the world of business, and must be dealt with accordingly. They are not all conspiratorial, but can insure security.

Furthermore, if you were invited and chose to participate in the beta testing, there was a very active and lively dialog among those who chose to do so. Just a bunch of good folks trying to help out and raise the bar. Nothing covert or underhanded about it. It was a great experience for me, knowing for a fact I made a difference. And---how soon we forget what the company/users went through on the last early release cycle. Allot of energy went into that debacle, sooo, "Parish the thought..."

However, I do think it would be a great loss if all web based content distribution was suspended. That would be a shame.

I have been around this community long enough to see it go from a gaggle of enthused, mooney eyed designers and architects, to the fast moving, vibrant community it is today. We are doing fine, but don't get me wrong, I am wary of companies that walk on the backs of their user/customer base with the end run being ultimate accountability to corporate chiefs/shareholder over it's supporters. But then again, Adesk has done pretty well right by Revit to this point. And unless Adesk and all of it's employee's are planning on an impending early retirement (viva Worldcom!), I am pretty safe in saying that they are not the Revit community's own biggest enemy. In fact, I say that without their resources, it could be argued whether Revit would have made it this far, or in this grand of fashion. Therefore, I will not pay heed to the evil corporate windmill that I and my donkey face alone in the field of battle, but instead, turn, adjust, and remain very optimistic about Revit's future.


2005-04-23, 10:58 PM
I´m heading in the same direction as Billigray!

This is a new dawn, just try to export a future Revit model and be amazed !!
I´m not in favour of the NDA, since it will delay interoperability coop.

But I´ll hold my breath, and just say life is bright :)
Revit is gonna be like Autocad was in it´s time "shock"

2005-04-24, 12:03 AM
I certainly appreciate some of the points, but there are a couple of things I kind of take issue with...

Will anyone here redact some of the suggestions forwarded above if we happen to find a release on the download site come Monday, or Wednesday,or after the product has well shipped to most subscribers?

Well, I for one won't. That's my point – Autodesk leaves us in the dark – they should have filled us in on Friday when it was “officially” released (actually, they should have filled us in a month ago). That would be good business.

Also, there is the issue of piracy.

AutoCAD became the standard because it was pretty good software, they had a little luck, and there was a lot of piracy. Quite frankly, in the long run, Revit would benefit from widespread piracy. The larger the market share, the more of a market there is for legitimate customers. When it comes to productivity software, all the major players, Microsoft, Adobe, Autodesk, etc., became standards because of piracy, not in spite of it. Whether it's software companies, or the RIAA, or the MPAA, there's a lot of talk about about lost sales while they're all raking in a huge amount of money. But more importantly, I _did_ pay for the software, and I should not be inconvenienced because there are those who don't. Autodesk needs to first concern itself with the customers it has, not the people who never will be (e.g. warez).

NDA's are a simple fact of life in the world of business, and must be dealt with accordingly.

With all due respect, the NDA on the Revit beta had nothing to do with the stock market, and I hope the Revit team doesn't spend its time worrying about Graphisoft (when you're worrying about the other guy, you're in trouble). Accepting NDAs as a “simple fact of life” is a very slippery slope. NDAs only have relevance because people agree to them. If it's that important that you're willing to trade the right to access the beta software for the right to speak freely (and being limited to an authorized forum is not freedom of speech), that's obviously your right as well. It's just by accepting that, you make NDAs a “simple fact of life”.

I had the fortune of trying out Revit 1.0 back in the summer 2000. It was pretty awesome even then. Of course, there was no way our small firm was going to ditch AutoCAD at that point for a completely untested product, and Revit was way too expensive to have both. Autodesk provides not only a lot of legitimacy for Revit, but it provides an affordable crossgrade path. So, I'm not so sure I'd be using Revit today (and loving it!) if Autodesk hadn't purchased Revit. That being said, I started using AutoCAD on R12 (1994), and I'd say version 2000 was the last time they added anything useful. Since then, it seems like it's been an endless parade of web enhancements, Buzzsaw, a few that came and went, AutoCAD Today, etc... basically bloat. I checked out the “Features” list for the latest release for Revit and it reads like incoherent ad copy. That Revit has stayed the course so far may be more a result of a development road plan layed out years ago as well as the great work by the Revit team. This isn't about Autodesk being evil or about conspiracies. I just think that it's really naïve to think that Autodesk knows what it's doing if we leave it alone. That doesn't mean that there aren't creative, intelligent and energetic people who work there (there are – and I've spoken to them) – it just means that they may have to work that much harder. And it means that their customers can't just accept what they get, but must demand what they want. I'm excited for the future of Revit, but I'm also not going to mindlessly cheer on as a display of Revit loyalty.

2005-04-24, 01:45 AM
From what I see on the "new" web site with the billion year old logo is that Revit will go the way of other Autocrap stuff. I bet corporate has laid out the map for them: One new release per year to match Autocad. No intermediate releases. No download - please contact your reseller. ya da ya da ya da. I suspect the good 'ol days of Revit are starting to come to an end with the introduction of "Building".

I saw this coming a looooooong time ago...but hey...if Leonid and Irwin are still on THE TEAM there is still hope...

2005-04-24, 02:02 AM
Get a load of this:


The title of the page is Autodesk Revit Building: Expert Q&A

The content is three Dear Lynn columns from 2003 all about AutoCAD.
Sometimes you wonder who is at the helm and how they got there.

2005-04-24, 02:13 AM
Hey Adesk...

We know you are reading these posts. Can't you see we're a bit confused? Can't you see that a little clarification on your part would go a long way? It sure would be nice if you would inform your loyal and paying customers that you are changing/modifying your policies regarding software releases. Give us all some credit. I'm probably not alone when I say that I'm excited for the current relationship I have with the Revit division of your company. I did not have that feeling with your other products. You've got a great program with a great community of people. Please don't sour the milk. I don't like seeing forum members upset. :-|

2005-04-24, 10:40 AM
Actually if you read all the fine print of your subscription you'll see that it really promises nothing. You'll get the next version during that period - if there is a next version. However Autodesk isn't under any obligation to actually deliver anything during that period.
There's fine print!!?? I never even saw that!

I got offered full/perminent use of Revit (I was on the monthly renewal scheme) if I joined the subscription program - it was "sugar coated" with the " you will continue to recieve the incremental releases AS NORMAL at no extra cost! Yippieee Christmas!

I feel a little like someone had pricked my ballon, It was far more enjoyable to have the anticipation of old . .

2005-04-24, 04:58 PM
I saw this coming a looooooong time ago...but hey...if Leonid and Irwin are still on THE TEAM there is still hope...

Leonid has and is still very active in this group. Have you seen the following post?


2005-04-24, 05:23 PM
Quite frankly, in the long run, Revit would benefit from widespread piracy.

That's an interesting take.

You know, the bottom line here is that a good number of people are getting anxious or angry because they see an end to a way of doing things. Rightfully so. My point is again, that we don't know until we find out. Sooo, I won't sit back while a run-down of Adesk/Revit goes down on this board without offering some counter-point.

2005-04-24, 06:39 PM
Bill, I’m with you.

Although a date has never been officially announced, a lot of people thought that they would be downloading software on Friday, and now they’re upset because we all have to wait a few more days. I would rather wait for a few last minute tweaks than be delivered a product that is not finished to the satisfaction of the developers. I doubt that anyone can say that their productivity is being damaged by not having the new release.

I am no fan of the Autodesk corporate bureaucracy, but I don’t expect them to suddenly adopt the humility of a small software company. The strength of this community is what makes Revit such a great solution, in spite of the strings that come attached. Corporate behavior is beyond any one person’s control.

If anyone wants to see change, let us use this tool to focus on improving the quality and affordability of the projects we undertake.


2005-04-24, 09:11 PM
If Autodesk can make Revit/Inventor work together! things will change big time.

I´m still in a state of "shock" after seeing my Revit models come to life as true solids in Inventor, this is something I wished to do the last 10 years.

2005-04-25, 12:46 AM
Bill, I’m with you.

Although a date has never been officially announced, a lot of people thought that they would be downloading software on Friday, and now they’re upset because we all have to wait a few more days. I would rather wait for a few last minute tweaks than be delivered a product that is not finished to the satisfaction of the developers. I doubt that anyone can say that their productivity is being damaged by not having the new release.

I, and I presume most others, don't want to deal with any software which hasn't been debugged. But I don't have any software, from Microsoft to the full complement of Adobe, which doesn't have bugs. It is a fact that no amount of Beta testing can account for every conceivable action that will occur in the real world by all who use that software.

Having said that, I have followed this forum and read that Revit 8 had been sent to Beta. This is normally done when the software developer believes that the majority of issues have been addressed in house. At that point, we all anxiously awaited the arrival of Revit 8.

On Friday, I received this notification from Autodesk:

"Dear Larry Sims,

Autodesk AutoCAD Revit Series 8 is on its way!

As an Autodesk Subscription customer, one of the primary benefits to you is the immediate availability of the latest product updates as new versions are released."

I suppose, given the fact that I have for several months been able to download the latest version that I could download this version immediately.

2005-04-25, 02:50 AM
There are several things that will snag Revit if it gets away from the download model.

1. Everyone could get the latest release at the same time. So sharing families or information was just a matter of telling the other end to d/l the latest build. Without that there is a very good argument for backwards compatibility.

2. You could tell your client to download the latest version as a viewer and to do printing. Now we'll have to stay with PDF. (...and no my clients don't want DWF.)

2005-04-25, 04:03 AM
Not that I've been part of that many, but, I don't remember being part of any meeting or discussion, where it was said that we would not be able to download the software anymore. What has been said is the early web release of the software prior to the burning of CD's would become a more traditional beta process.

This is a response to the more mainstream market user not being the least bit interested in debugging software. I believe that folks are jumping to conclusions now and it might be good to just take a deep breath and see what happens.

This is a period of adjustment for everyone concerned so there are bound to be some bumps?

2005-04-25, 05:26 AM
I think a few words from someone at Autodesk to clear this up would be a big help. There's plenty of room in these forums. Question is: why no comment to clear it up?

2005-04-25, 05:36 AM
I think a few words from someone at Autodesk to clear this up would be a big help. There's plenty of room in these forums. Question is: why no comment to clear it up?Good question and one I assume has to do with the weekend for the moment. If they just shipped the goods last week, I imagine more than a few are taking a couples of well deserved days off to recharge? I'm sure we'll know soon enough.

2005-04-25, 09:38 AM
Revit 8 will be down loadable . . . In no stretch of the imagination can I perceive a scenario where Adesk would not make it available. What I cannot understand is if they have gone to cut the CD's, then why can't they upload it as well??!!

Its not like if someone has to sit there and upload it manually! Friday and the weekend would have been a great fillip for the users - from previous experience - its usually an fun weekend to see who can produce a scheme by Monday, and certainly a big boost in the chatter on the forum - I guess the Beta testing has taken care of that though - there must be a dozen schemes out there already.

I must confess that I would have signed up to the beta as well, if I thought I could contribute to the feedback process . . . primarily so that I could have a play asap! But I was too deep in trying to make deadlines.

I am just hoping that I get a CD before May! ;-)

2005-04-25, 01:34 PM
I am just hoping that I get a CD before May! ;-)
Now will it be a CD or a DVD like ADT and other products?

Andre Baros
2005-04-25, 01:54 PM
Maybe there's SO MUCH new family content that it's too big to download and too big to fit on a cd and we're all going to be amazed by how much content manufacturers provided this time around. Maybe...

2005-04-25, 02:26 PM
Just an aside - Aaron & Andre.

I am sitting here with my little boy 14months, and he is going nuts over your avatar's!! Its halarious watching him point at the screen!

2005-04-25, 05:05 PM
Well, I for one, am surprised and confused that the product is not available for download the way it always used to be. I'm not sure what the point of their email was, directing me to the subscription center if I can't download the product yet... Highly irregular. But then again, so is the fact that Leonid is no longer employed by Autodesk either. (PS Leonid, thanks for sticking around to answer questions here!)

2005-04-25, 06:43 PM
Hi all,

Sorry if we confused you and didn’t explain when, what, how, and why! Please, don’t be discouraged, the concept of the web download is not changing.

The Web Download of Revit Building 8 is going live this week.

While it’s inspiring to see that you're eager to download the software, we understand that for many of you this slight delay may be disappointing. We are in the final stages of making the web download available to you. Please, bare with us, we appreciate your patience and understanding.

-The Revit Building Team

Tatjana Dzambazova
Revit Building Product Manager

2005-04-25, 06:48 PM

A word from on high. That's all we needed. Now we can complain that they didn't have it ready before the CD's went in the mail ;)

Paul Monsef
2005-04-25, 06:53 PM
Hi all,

Sorry if we confused you and didn’t explain when, what, how, and why! Please, don’t be discouraged, the concept of the web download is not changing.

The Web Download of Revit Building 8 is going live this week.

While it’s inspiring to see that you're eager to download the software, we understand that for many of you this slight delay may be disappointing. We are in the final stages of making the web download available to you. Please, bare with us, we appreciate your patience and understanding.

-The Revit Building Team

Tatjana Dzambazova
Revit Building Product Manager
Maybe next time you can delay the shipping of the CD's until the web download goes live.... :veryevil:

Scott D Davis
2005-04-25, 07:03 PM
<in the most sarcastic voice possible> Shame on you all for ever thinking the Factory would let us down!!! :mrgreen:

2005-04-25, 07:09 PM
Thanks Scott!

2005-04-25, 07:26 PM
Possitive outlooks are so much less stressfull!

2005-04-25, 07:34 PM
Perhaps I'm just too old and have been in the corporate world too long.

Communication. Communication. COMMUNICATION!!!

But I'm not too old to appreciate any little thing they give me. Thanks Tatjana and I do mean it. Now I can get on with what I was doing pre- announcement Friday.

2005-04-25, 07:45 PM
Thanks Tatjana, thats all that was needed . . . we are just eager to play, a new release is like letting school out!

Paul Monsef
2005-04-25, 07:51 PM
Thanks Scott!
Oh man... I forgot my 'sarcastic' disclaimer!!! ;)

2005-04-25, 09:26 PM
cool!!! I guess those at the factory have been working to hard to chat at the forum.

Taylor A
2005-04-26, 01:42 AM
Got it......I don't believe it......Revit 8 and AutoCAD 6......They must have started at the bottom of the world first.

Wes Macaulay
2005-04-26, 02:09 AM
...Please, bare with us...She barely knows us and now she's telling us to get in the buff.

2005-04-26, 02:40 AM
Please, bare with us Well, maybe not with us...

Edit: I spotted it first, I just had to search the entire internet for that picture!

2005-04-26, 02:52 AM
Well, maybe not with us...That engineer has it right! Nice even lines all round...those others, clearly amatuers! :)

Mr Spot
2005-04-26, 03:23 AM
Yeah we got our CD's this morning.

2005-04-26, 03:27 AM
Yeah we got our CD's this morning.Well, well...I guess good things come to those down under?

2005-04-26, 03:28 AM
Got mine just now.

Dont worry, be patient, Santa always comes.........

Remember though, anyone that complains goes to the bottom of the list!


Urban D
2005-04-26, 03:43 AM
I was out at meetings this morning, but when I returned santa had been. Revit 8 was waiting for me.

2005-04-26, 06:01 AM
Well, well...I guess good things come to those down under?

Bewdy - I just got mine!

2005-04-26, 06:03 AM
OK America, take it as read that every man and his dog in Australia and New Zealand is now happily working away in 8.

Your turn ....

2005-04-26, 07:01 AM
OK America, take it as read that every man and his dog in Australia and New Zealand is now happily working away in 8.

Your turn ....
beegee, have you heard about the latest improvements in version 9.....:grin:

2005-04-26, 08:13 AM
Revit 8 and acad 2006 here too, looks like santa starts his rounds from downunder.


2005-04-26, 09:34 AM
I'm moving to OZ!

2005-04-26, 09:53 AM
That really is rowing out to meet your ship! ;)

Wes Macaulay
2005-04-27, 05:43 AM
Well, maybe not with us...

Edit: I spotted it first, I just had to search the entire internet for that picture!
That's a keeper Fedor. But you know, at least the engineer doesn't have any tan lines!

2005-04-27, 12:34 PM
I like that one too, FK.

BTW, we in middle america must really be behind the times? No CD for me yet! Time to look at that download link again. :)

2005-04-27, 08:18 PM
BTW, we in middle america must really be behind the times? No CD for me yet! Time to look at that download link again. :) That's what happens when you outsource CD manufacturing to Antarctica...

Scott Hopkins
2005-04-27, 08:56 PM
That's what happens when you outsource CD manufacturing to Antarctica...
I thought Santa's little helpers and the toy factory where at the North Pole? That is why you call it the "factory" isn't it?

2005-05-03, 10:42 AM
Finally got my CD just now! Looks like if it came from far afield - the case is all mangled! Apart from the fact that I downloaded the updated version now, I guess I could give positive feedback and advise the Factory to place the various stickers (Part no.; Serial; CD Key; etc.) on the printed page instead - at least I would be able to slip everything into a new case.

Enough griping! Does anyone remember that CD that REVIT (when they were just a garage workshop . .heh heh) produced - It was made up of a number of video tutorials, building a hotel if I remember correctly!? I am just looking for mine to show to a friend, but it would be nice if the factory produced something like that again, I found it very helpful at the time.

2005-05-03, 12:59 PM
Turns out that my install disk is no more than a glorified coaster! Anyone else have trouble with their CD's? I cant get anything off mine.

2005-05-03, 01:02 PM
You may have gotten a DVD. Check the disk. There have been some discussions here about getting DVD's.

2005-05-03, 02:43 PM
Well...downloaded Revit 8 this morning and then got the CD in the mail. But, now that the download version has had some improvements/fixes which post-date the CD version, which to use? Any factory people reading this know which version I should use?

Thanks in advance,
Geof Narlee

2005-05-03, 03:59 PM
...some improvements/fixes which post-date the CD version, which to use?...Install from the CD to make it easy to get all the content you want. Then install again from the download to just put the latest build on your PC.

2005-05-03, 04:42 PM
Thanks, Steve.