View Full Version : Freedom Tower and Revit

2005-04-21, 09:34 PM
Building Design and Construction Magazine has a good article about Tower One and Revit at:


2005-04-21, 09:39 PM
Hmmmm, so Revit 8 was released last month eh? I must have missed that!

2005-04-21, 09:58 PM
Thanks for the vine, Mike.


2005-04-22, 02:03 PM
I guess the “cat is out of the bag” with that article, although some of the features described are purely version 7.0, and other features (API) have already been publicly announced.

“Interference detection, which scans models for conflicts between user-specifiable elements and systems, has been strengthened.”

Checking the Autodesk website this morning, the new name is being displayed. It’s only a matter of days (or hours).


Wes Macaulay
2005-04-22, 03:52 PM
Woah! The article says you can schedule across linked projects in R8! That's huge! I have several projects where we decided against linking because we couldn't schedule the data.

This could change things a lot if the article holds true.

2005-04-22, 03:54 PM
Might help us out with our housing projects. However groups are still the biggest issue there.

2005-04-22, 05:38 PM
Woah! The article says you can schedule across linked projects in R8! That's huge! I have several projects where we decided against linking because we couldn't schedule the data.

This could change things a lot if the article holds true.
Whoa, indeed! I think this author needs to check his facts. Pretty sure that "cross-scheduling between models" has not been implemented yet.

2005-04-22, 06:53 PM
These notes were in the March 15th Autodesk press release:

• Interference Detection scans models for conflicts between user-specifiable elements and systems

• Easy upload of files from Autodesk Revit Building to an Autodesk® Buzzsaw® project site, and automatic conversion to DWG or Autodesk® DWF™ format

• Link DWF markups made in Autodesk® DWF™ Composer, allowing you to keep your revision markup process digital, preserving data integrity and ease of sharing

• New API allows developers to access object data, query properties, extract geometry and change properties.

I am keenly interested in the link between Buzzsaw and Revit, as well as the ability to link DWF markups. I believe these features will help ease the level of resistance that we have encountered from some project consultants who have less sophisticated technology in place.


2005-04-22, 06:57 PM
James is right. We read these articles carefully, and of course we know the inside story. The sad truth is that it is rare these articles are 100% factually correct. The Popular Science article was about 50% correct, and they interviewed SOM in person!

So be careful with hearsay!

2005-04-22, 07:19 PM
Whoa, indeed! I think this author needs to check his facts. Pretty sure that "cross-scheduling between models" has not been implemented yet.

You are right, I don't recall this feature in 8.0. What he is probably talking about is being able to schedule nested families.

2005-04-23, 09:06 AM
I saw the DWF / Revit exchange on Tuesday - Revit 8 can output a DWF file for markup, the other party can do their thing marking up my outstanding design (lord knows why) and when they send it back i can read it in my Revit model!!

Once I get the new release . .being in the UK, probably sometime after the rest of the WORLD!!! I might just begin to waver from PDF's! I really hope they don't push it too corporate, it was fun logging on in the early hours of a Sunday morning and downloading the latest!

still hopeful :-)

2005-05-03, 03:30 PM
I heard about this first on the morning news.

Freedom Tower Design Changes (http://archrecord.construction.com/news/daily/archives/050426freedom.asp)

Is there a higher level of interest among the general public in these issues post-September 11? I'm sure that if there are changes to be made, they'll be implemented swiftly and easily.


2005-05-03, 09:30 PM
I heard about this first on the morning news.

Freedom Tower Design Changes (http://archrecord.construction.com/news/daily/archives/050426freedom.asp)

Is there a higher level of interest among the general public in these issues post-September 11? I'm sure that if there are changes to be made, they'll be implemented swiftly and easily.

I think what we are seeing in that post 9/11 major funding went out into homeland security. That funding has taken years to trickle down, creating a huge industry of software, analysis tools, consultants etc, it may have taken this long to apply to a design on the boards

2005-05-05, 01:15 AM
If this (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/index.cfm?c_id=2&ObjectID=10123998) is true.

Utilising the existing Revit data, it will be interesting to see how much time they can save during the redesign.


2005-05-05, 03:58 AM
A spokeswoman for Bloomberg said the redesign would only delay the opening of the building by "weeks".
There's your answer ;-) Bloomberg has spoken.

2005-05-06, 02:57 AM
From this article:


"The New York Police Department first expressed concerns about the tower’s safety early last month, centering around the building’s vulnerability to an automobile-related attack, specifically from West Street."

I've not familar with the area but why not get rid of the blimmin' cars!!! Make the whole area a park. Isn't there an underground tube station close by? So you're not going to be able drive up to the front door now, what are you going to do about the short range missiles....

You'd also think NYPD would have raised this concern a little earlier in the process.


2005-05-06, 03:07 AM
Closing West Street to traffic, could have a similar effect to banning traffic from Manhattan completely.

2005-05-06, 11:10 AM
Closing West Street to traffic, could have a similar effect to banning traffic from Manhattan completely.
And they call that a street? :shock: Is that the kind of street NY kids play in? :shock:

What does a motorway look like? :o


2005-05-06, 01:12 PM
That's actually just an alley. To small for the kids to play stick ball on.

2005-05-06, 05:05 PM
BeeGee, That is a photo of the West Side Highway, not West Street.

The previous World Trade Center, before it was attacked, was criticied for being isolated from the rest of the neighborhood, due to an elevated plaza connecting the buildings. The original location of West Street travels striaght through the WTC site. When it was originally built they built over that block of West Street. With this design they wanted to open the site to the neighborhood agian, allowing the previously closed off streets to travel through and keep the site at the same level as the surrounding area to encourage pedestrian travel throughout the site. However along with this obviously brings concerns over the delivery of vehicle bombs.

2005-05-06, 07:33 PM
None of you guys are N'Yorkers, are ya?

West Street is the street directly on the shore of the Hudson River. In fact, 200 years ago it WAS the Hudson River. The Brooklyn Battery Tunnel opens directly onto West Street which is New York State Route 9. This is a whole lot more than just a city street. Until the mid 70's there was an elevated highway over West Street called the West Side Highway. It was torn down from the Battery tunnel to about 42nd Street. It still exists on the upper west side. It now carries the traffic that once used the highway.

West Street on grade has been renovated with the demolition of unused river piers, construction of jogging tracks and new parks. It forms the western boundary of the WTC site. As you might guess, it it very close to sea level.

The Trade center site slopes considerably down from Church st. to West st. creating a site planning challenge. The original Yamasaki design chose to make the ground floor level with Church Street (the eastern edge of the site) and have the western edge dangle several stories above West Street. This resulted in an uninviting wall facing West Street.

The site actually has three subway stations, one of which, Cortland Street, I was in when the second plane hit. Most of both towers fell on West Street. It is a miracle that it was restored to service as quickly as it was. You cannot imagine the amount of rubble that was there.

Come visit the site. It's the most impressive hole in the ground you will ever see.

Scott D Davis
2005-05-06, 08:29 PM
So Mike, what's the latest? How 'massive' are the changes that you all are going to have to make? Is it as drastic as the Press makes it out to be? Will Revit help ease the pain of these changes?

2005-05-06, 10:49 PM
The press has done a pretty thorough sleuthing job on this story. Do a google search and you'll get reports from all over the world.

We can't give out specific information because of the extreme sensitivity of the whole issue. But rest assured, we are still using Revit. As I write this a full section perspective of the tower from basement to aviation lights is hanging, courtesy of version 7. The whole thing was done in less than one day!

2005-05-06, 11:57 PM
I´m happy that someone can do these fantastic achievements with Revit.
Makes my worries easier to overcome.