View Full Version : Massing?

2005-04-22, 08:51 AM
Hello everyone,
It will be really nice of u if anyone could answer my query.
I have attached this file where i have created Buliding forms using massing ...through revolve and blend.
1.Now after creating it the curved walls can be converted into curtain walls but not normal brick walls....is there any way where i can create them as walls.....
2.Even on the curtain wall i am not able to place a door since the wall is in a curved shape.
3.And on the massing form which i created through blend i can't create floors .....I can only create the lower floor but not the uppper ones.
Thanking you,

2005-05-05, 08:28 AM
Good day everyone,
My query is still not answered by anyone.....It will be nice if someone could answer this query....

2005-05-05, 02:36 PM
Interesting, haven't played much w/massing but I see your point.

I wa only able to create a floor slab on the upper levels by manually massing it.

Same goes w/ the blended walls. I had to create an in place extrusion/blend to get a wall.

But if I want it to be an actual wall type, I had to create an in place wall.

Not what I expected either.

didn't do the door thing.