View Full Version : 3 Block Walls & A Column

2005-04-22, 11:52 AM
Hi all,
I have a concrete column with 3 blockwalls butting into it - 2 at right angles & the third at 45degrees. The first 2 behave normally, but the last one blends into the column and infects it with its hatching. I tried using the edit wall joins to disallow joins, to no avail. Can anyone help? Thanks.

2005-04-22, 12:11 PM
When you disallowed joins did you first stretch the wall far enough away so that it wasn't connected to either of the other walls or the column? then once it has been set to disallow joins, stretch it back into position and the use the join geometry function to join the elements you do want to join.

...however, I think you probably need to post an image for your question to fully make sense...


2005-04-22, 02:41 PM
Yes Elrond I did that - have a look at the attached file, maybe there's something else I've overlooked.

2005-04-22, 02:48 PM
Changing wall joins in this case has little effect. Instead you could manually unjoin the column from the walls, and add manual joins back using Tools->Unjoin Geometry and and Tools->Join Geometry.

I think we use the order of these joins to decide which wall's hatching will be inherited by the column.


2005-04-22, 03:04 PM
Ok, here it is:

Make the column a "Structural Column" by editing the family and changing its category.
Then unjoin the column in your leftmost example and join it manually by first picking the column, then the wall.

Architectural columns assume that they need to inherit material from joined walls. Structural columns do not make this assumption.


2005-04-22, 03:09 PM
well there is a nice clear answer including the revit logic behind it! :-P Elrond

2005-04-22, 03:45 PM
Thanks, Tamas, just did the unjoin & the concrete hatch re appeared, but the wall appeared inside the column. I managed to cut it off at an angle using split walls & lines & edit cut profile and it's now looking exactly how I want it. However I didn't do the change to structural column as you suggested because I have no idea how it's done - could you give me a quick rundown on it?
Appreciate you help.

2005-04-22, 04:21 PM
Just edit the column family and change its category to "Structural Column" under Settings->Family Category and Parameters.

2005-04-23, 10:59 AM
Thanks again, Tamas,.
Once again I've learned something new:grin: