View Full Version : View Title Lineweight

2005-04-22, 01:16 PM
I have searched the forums for this and haven't found anything specific for line weights governing the view title lineweight. We modified the "out of the box" view title for our font and that is working just fine. However the lineweight for the circular line around the title number, does not seem to be editable for lineweight. We can change the horizontal line's weight with no problem. Am I missing something that is so simple its stupid? Any suggestions or has someone else have one that is editable?

2005-04-22, 01:22 PM
Place view on sheet.
Rt-click on title line.
Go to Properties.
Edit the Type Parameter for Line Weight.


2005-04-22, 01:23 PM
Settings->Object Styles->Annotation->View Titles

The settings above only controls the line below the view name. Not the view head graphics.

2005-04-22, 01:47 PM
Thanks Aaron & Brad. I figured it was something simple. Just a little brain dead today.

2011-12-17, 10:40 PM
Hey man so I'm kind of having the same trouble, I changed the lineweight for the Title line but I can't seem to get the lineweight for the Sheet # and designation to change to the desired lineweight. What did you do to figure it out? cause it seems I'm a little brain dead myself.

2011-12-17, 10:46 PM
oooo nevermind I just figured it out!

2013-02-07, 04:46 PM
I am struggling with changing the circle's lineweight as well, could someone say how they resolved this? thanks!

2013-02-07, 07:44 PM
I am struggling with changing the circle's lineweight as well, could someone say how they resolved this? thanks!
It's a setting in your Object Styles > Annotation Objects > View Titles