View Full Version : Area calculations

2003-12-16, 06:29 PM
Is there anyway to run an area calculation without inserting a room tag?

2003-12-16, 06:36 PM
If you put in a floor within the room's walls, you could go to properties & read the floor area there...

Scott D Davis
2003-12-16, 06:39 PM
Create an Area Plan, which will very quickly allow you to get areas, and area schedules. You will place Area Tags, but it goes very quickly.

2003-12-16, 06:41 PM
The answer is no and yes...to generate schedules you'll need to tag the rooms. But do you have to display the tags? No...either create a separate view without them or delete the tags once you've assembled your schedule/report. You'll need them at some point to aid in identifying the rooms but you don't have to show them during early phases. You can also create a room tag that only displays area so the name is "invisible"...like attached.