View Full Version : Curtain Grid Editing

Dimitri Harvalias
2005-04-25, 04:59 PM
Having to make revisions to a curtain grid system and I'm just wondering... is it not possible to select a curtain grid and delete the whole grid at once? Please tell me I'm missing something really obvious and that I don't have to pick each and every segment and delete them individually!

Wes Macaulay
2005-04-25, 05:05 PM
Can you window select the whole thing in 3D and filter out everything but the curtain grids?

J. Grouchy
2005-04-25, 05:05 PM
Filters are always nice for those types of jobs...

edit: dangit! ya beat me!

Dimitri Harvalias
2005-04-25, 06:34 PM
After looking at this in greater deail I'm getting some very random and strange behaviour.
I can select certain grids in 3D and then delete them entirely. I can't seem to select them to allow deletion in any elevation view. Not sure what the logic is behind this as the selcetion process can be quite slow in 3D.
The strange behaviour is as follows;
I delete a horizontal grid using the 'add/remove' segment option. I get the warning that tells me the grid must contain at least one segment end then it seems to disappear.
I then add a vertical grid. If I delete that vertical grid then the horizontal seems to reappear in the bay the vertical was in. When I attempt to delete the horizontal it won't let me unless I use the 'add/remove' option?
I'm very confused and my file seems possessed :twisted:
It's not a big deal but some consistency and a logical explanation would be helpful.

Wes Macaulay
2005-04-25, 06:44 PM
Does the curtain wall have a defined grid system? I've seen a few cases where the defined grids get copied somehow - and then you have to delete the extras. You might have a grid on top of a grid, or close to it... ??

2005-04-25, 06:57 PM
try turning off your mullions(assuming you have htem on) this makes it much easier to grab the grids.

Phil Palmer
2005-04-25, 07:05 PM
Could you not select the curtain wall type and just replace it with the default standard curtain wall as that then warns you of grids to delete.

Dimitri Harvalias
2005-04-25, 07:06 PM
Does the curtain wall have a defined grid system?
Ahh, Mr. Wes. Correct as usual. I didn't pick up on that because this portion of the curtain system was 'installed' prior to R-7 and I guess when it was converted from 6 to 7 it just picked up the default grid spacing associated with the storefront definition.
Thanks again everyone for your quick and insightful responses. :beer:

Wes Macaulay
2005-04-25, 09:36 PM
Ahh, Mr. Wes. Correct as usual.Not according to my wife... :lol: