View Full Version : 6.0/E Poll: On/Off Parameter - G

Scott D Davis
2003-05-15, 04:32 AM
This poll is to determine if there is enough support for an On/Off Parameter to include it in the next release. An On/Off Parameter would allow one to control the visibility of objects specific to an individual family. ie: Window Trim On, or Window Trim off.

Scott Hopkins
2003-05-19, 08:44 PM
on/off - yes a great idea

2005-09-22, 09:47 PM
Hey Scott's...would you agree this wish has been fulfilled? With Yes/No that is?

2005-09-23, 01:40 PM
Hey Scott's...would you agree this wish has been fulfilled? With Yes/No that is?

We do this currently with the yes/no parameter for visibility. It works pretty good.

Scott D Davis
2005-09-23, 04:01 PM
Yep! Wish granted. Original post was 2003!