View Full Version : Printing perspectives....help

2005-04-26, 09:29 PM
Hello all

I am trying to print perspective images and i have two problems/questions:

1) Is there a way to change the line thickness of objects in a perspective view? All my perspective lines show up quite thick, and i would like them to be as thin as possible.

2) I am trying to do a perspective view through a sliding glass door looking outside neighboring buildings. In the view everything that is seen through the door is halftone, but when i print it it doesn't print at all. I need this to print, either in halftone or thin lines.

Any help on these two issues would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


2005-04-26, 09:35 PM
1. In the Line Weights dialog box, click the Perspective Line Weights tab. Enter line weight value.

2. Try printing raster.

2005-04-26, 10:17 PM
Thanks BeeGee, that worked great
