View Full Version : Camera Height in Walkthrough (was>Walk Through Question.).

2005-04-27, 01:24 AM
Hi all

Can anyone tell me how, if it is possible to (edit) adjust the height of the camera position at 'any key point' along the path of the 'walk through' after the placement of the camera and the key points.
Thanks in advance.

2005-04-27, 01:29 AM
Covered in THIS THREAD. (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=12496&highlight=camera+height)

2005-04-27, 04:34 AM
Thanks, Beegee. It seems I need to read a lot before getting back to you again. :-)

2005-04-27, 04:58 AM
Hi Beegee

After a careful reading of all the posting in the thread referred, I come ot a conclusion that the vertical position of the camera cannot be edited after the initial placement. All their 'helpful' tips do not seem to work now. I wonder why?

Mr Spot
2005-04-27, 05:21 AM
I created a walkthrough yesterday and yes you can modify the elevation at key frames.

Edit walkthrough in plan and drag the active camera to each key frame and then hit open. Use dynamically modify view to dolly up and down as desired and change turn your head etc...

Then move onto the next one...

Definitely works.

2005-04-27, 05:38 AM
Ofcourse, you can adjust the view by tweeking the crop region but not specifying a 'different height' other than the one specified at the time of adding the key points.

Moreover, you cannot select the camera individually and edit its properties as mentioned in the postings. As you select the camera it shows the properties of the 'walkthrough' and not the camera. A pop-up window comeup with message 'Do you want to quit editing the walk through?'

Mr Spot
2005-04-27, 05:56 AM
I think you're misunderstanding...

I didn't mention anything about changing the crop region...?

In edit walkthrough mode in plan, advance to one of your key frame you wish to edit my dragging the camera along the path.

Then select open.

Select Dynamically modify view (F8), it should be set to walkthrough mode...

Dolly to the appropriate height by clicking dolly then panning down... (this changes your elevation)...

After this go back to your floor plan and drag to the next key frame...

I've got an example mpeg file but its 4MB so i can't upload. I could email if you like...? But that will just demonstrate its possible. If you follow the above steps it should give what you want.

2005-04-27, 06:13 AM
Thanks, Mr.Spot. I will give it a try.

Scott D Davis
2005-04-27, 06:23 AM
You most definately can alter the camera height of the keyframes of a walkthrough.

1. Edit the walkthrough
2. Change the drop down list in the Options Bar from Active Camera to Path
3. Switch to an elevation, section, or 3D view, grab the Points, and move them vertically to a new position.

It's easy once you get the hang of it. It's just different from how it used to be done, thus some of my own confusing posts on how to do it.

2005-04-27, 09:11 AM
Thanks, Scott Davis. I appreciate your response. Btw, how do we control the tempo of the AVI.....Is it by the 'number of frames per second' or 'the total no of frames' ?
Anyone has detailed tutorial on controlling the 'tempo' of the AVI?

I have to get a quick rendered 'walk through' for a prsentation. I don't have time to learn by trial and error !!!!

Thanks in advance!

2005-04-27, 02:23 PM
Thanks, Scott Davis. I appreciate your response. Btw, how do we control the tempo of the AVI.....Is it by the 'number of frames per second' or 'the total no of frames' ?
Anyone has detailed tutorial on controlling the 'tempo' of the AVI?

I have to get a quick rendered 'walk through' for a prsentation. I don't have time to learn by trial and error !!!!

Thanks in advance!The "speed" of the avi is a ratio of how far you are traveling, the number of frames per second and the total number of frames. So you need to include the distance of your path in your calculations to arrive at a speed that fits your goal, Walking, running, driving, flying etc... After that there is the number of frames per second as it relates to video, film speed...how fast the film runs by the lens so to speak.

Scott D Davis
2005-04-27, 03:52 PM
Also, speed is controlled by the Walkthrough Frames dialog box. When editing a Walkthrough, the Options Bar changes, and shows "Active Camera", Frame X of XXX...etc. For the frame "X of XXX" the XXX is total number of frames, and is a button, click on it to open the Walkthrough Frames dialog.

Here, you will find a check box for "Uniform Speed". If this is checked, the camera travels at a constant rate. If unchecked, it allows you to edit the "accelerator" value for key frames. This allows you to speed up or slow down parts of your walkthrough.

If you want a longer AVI for the path you have created, change the "Total Frames" to a larger number, this will lengthen the time of your video, which will be displayed in Total Time. You can also adjust Frames Per Second.

2005-04-28, 12:15 AM
Thanks, Steve Stafford and Scott Davis. Your postings really help.