View Full Version : Migrating templates to 8.0

2005-04-27, 01:27 AM
Hi all,

I've got a lot of stuff in my 7.0 template that doesn't come across with transfer settings such as drawing sheets already laid out, notes etc.

What is the best way of migrating existing templates to 8.0.

Can I open my 7.0 template in 8.0 and just save it, is there any important settings in the R8.0 template file that this would miss out on.
What about if I did the last step and did a transfer project setting from the 8.0 template and overwrite all, then at least my drawing sheets etc would still be in the template.
Is there an easy way to copy all of the geometry from my 7.0 template to 8.0

Kim Heaver

2005-04-27, 01:34 AM
Open your 7.0 template and families in 8.0 and save them again once.

There is a utility ( its a journal file from memory ) for converting familes from earlier to later versions, I track it down when I get time.

2005-05-02, 08:22 PM
Hey Beegee, who went back and got the camera from your latest avatar?

2005-05-02, 09:25 PM
This thread (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=117678#post117678)has links and downloads for the upgrade utilities.

( Ski, the police still have their camera. )

2005-05-03, 01:55 AM
Yeah, figured you'd get stopped riding on the wrong side of the road like that :-)