View Full Version : Color fill & furniture

Kirk Bricker
2005-04-27, 05:24 PM
Some pieces of furniture mask out the color fill and some furniture pieces do not? V7.0

See thumbnail

Allen Lacy
2005-04-27, 07:42 PM
See if this THREAD (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=17007) will help.

Kirk Bricker
2005-04-27, 07:50 PM
Thanks Allen.....

2005-04-27, 10:12 PM
If the furniture family has a model view set for plan, it will mask the area fill.

The other furniture have symbolic linework set for their plan view.

EDIT: Answered before thread merged - 2 posts above.

2005-04-28, 02:17 AM
What would really be nice is if you could color/mask areas in a symbolic line view. Often, the model in plan view is inappropriate or confusing to look at. Or, if the model view is completely different from the symbolic view - for instance door models are usually shown closed, but in plan, they're shown open. I'd like the doors in plan view to be shown open (presumably using symbolic lines) and opaque (i.e. you don't see a floor pattern running under it). Any way to do this?