View Full Version : Sharing Central File via FTP site

2005-04-27, 11:37 PM
We are working with an out of house drafting service. We are currently sharing the Central file via our FTP server. Is there a way to set up the Central file so that it resides in one location permanently, and we both can Save to Central on a continual basis?

2005-04-28, 08:18 PM
Before trying to use worksets, we used FTP to share a project between two office locations, but as I'm sure you are aware, it meant we had to take turns working on the project.

To make worksets functional for us, we invested in a firewall/VPN set up. After some initial issues (see other posts on this forum), we are able to open the central file, save local copies, work on them and save to central, etc.

The VPN allows the remote office to be "on the network" through a secure "tunnel", just as if they were sitting at the next desk. I don't think there's any way to do that with an FTP setup.
