View Full Version : CAn Parameters be used with In Place Wall Family?

2005-04-29, 04:17 PM
If I create an in place family for a wall using the blend or sweep massing method to create a wall that is leaning (not perpindicular to the floor plane), is it possible to setup parameters somehow in the family that will allow me to adjust the angle of the wall (from perpindicular) as well as the height of the wall? These would be "instance" parameter settings that I would be looking for...


C. Stechyshyn

2005-04-29, 04:36 PM
Yes. You do it the same way as you would when making a 'traditional' Family.

Simply add dims to the Sketch of your wall, and then Label them, and when you do so make them instances.

If you want those parameters available to other Families or to show up within Schedules and be editable and such, then make then Shared Parameters.

In-Place Families are the same, more or less, as a Compent Family in their construction and abilities.

2005-04-29, 06:10 PM

What about attaching these wallls to a roof - would one be able to attach or extend the walls to a roof created above?

C. Stechyshyn

2005-04-29, 06:47 PM

What about attaching these wallls to a roof - would one be able to attach or extend the walls to a roof created above?

C. Stechyshyn

No. In-place families, while they inherent some of the properties of whatever category they are placed within, don't get all of the same behavior.

For example, if you make an in-place family, and put it in the Wall Category, you'll be able to place doors and windows in it when it's finished, and it will clean up with other walls, but you won't be able to stick it to a roof.

However, with that said, you can stick the top of the wall to a Reference Plane within the in-place family, and make the location of that Ref. Plane parametric, or align and lock that Reference Plane to a real Roof, and then stick the in-place wall to that. Or, what I've done in the past, is to create the in-place wall, then create the roof, and then go back and edit the wall by adding a void to cut the top of the wall away to match the roof profile.

However, now, with the massing tools, you might be better off creating a Mass, and then using the 'wall from face' and 'roof from face'. That way you'll be make changes to the mass in the future and have the sloped wall and roof joins update themselves autoamtically. This is how I would do it today.