View Full Version : Section dimensions not displaying on the correct plane

2005-04-29, 04:52 PM
When I use the solview command to create a section view of a part and then use soldraw on the viewport, it creates the section just like I need it to. It creates the proper layers.

One problem though, when I use the DIM layer for the section view the dimensions are not displaying on the correct plane.

The section view will be looking at the x/z plane and the dimensions are placed on the x/y. Why is this? How can I get the dimensions to display properly?

If I use osnaps while defining the section I need then the dimensions show on the proper plane; however, I usually find that it is better not to use the osnaps.

Any help is appreciated.


2005-04-29, 04:56 PM
Check your ucs....
I think your ucs has to be on the same plain that you are trying to put dims on....

2005-04-29, 06:01 PM
Just solved my own problem, I needed to set the ucs to "view".

Thanks bbabties