View Full Version : oh MAN!

Paul Monsef
2003-12-18, 05:29 PM
Talk about the big tease!

Under the HELP index search for RAMPS.... there you will see a listing for a circular ramp option. Yet, no HELP file is displayed. A WIP? 6.1 maybe??

Was it there before and i just missed it?

2003-12-18, 06:55 PM
At AU there were several new features that were mentioned by some as being inlcuded in 6.0. Then others denied that it was included. I do remember someone saying that circular ramps were going to be possible, but I do not remember it being in reference to 6.0, so I would assume that it was a slip of the tongue and that they are working on something, but it is still not done. I know that there is a real issue with this in that helixes are not simple geometric elements to model accurately. That said, I bet the new monolithic setting in the star editor will make this easier to accomplish than before...

Paul Monsef
2003-12-18, 08:48 PM
Really Cool!

At least they're working on it.. :D

To bad you can't just create a circular monolithic stair and flip it upside down. That's all i really need.

2003-12-18, 08:55 PM
Try this tutorial

2003-12-18, 09:16 PM
Really Cool!

At least they're working on it.. :D

To bad you can't just create a circular monolithic stair and flip it upside down. That's all i really need.

Maybe they're working on it. Like I said, there was a lot of buzz in the air and it was not clear what was real, dream, planned, ignored...

I think it has been noted as a need and is in the queue, and I am sure Irwin is having visions of helixes dance in his head.

Keep in mind, I also thought I heard that you would be able to do a spiral stairway of inifinite rotation... :roll:

2003-12-18, 09:56 PM
Keep in mind, I also thought I heard that you would be able to do a spiral stairway of inifinite rotation... :roll:

But you heard ( or saw that in your head ) right after the beer bust Greg. :roll:

Paul Monsef
2003-12-18, 10:00 PM
....right after the beer bust

Man, Now i feel compelled to watch "Dazed and Confused". 8)

2003-12-18, 11:18 PM
Or 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"... 8)

....right after the beer bust

Man, Now i feel compelled to watch "Dazed and Confused". 8)

2003-12-18, 11:35 PM
Jim that curved ramp solution is just a buzz. Wow!! :shock: