View Full Version : Topography elevations does not match survey

2005-05-01, 01:39 AM
I have run into this before but forget how I resolved it.
when I import a survey and create topography it places the created topography in this case up around 2000 ft range while the contours it was created from are at 400 ft range.
anyone have a solution to getting the topo to originate at the right elevations? short of physically moving the site, I cant seem to do it.

Gadget Man
2005-05-02, 01:38 AM
I can only tell you how do I approach this.

I create a dedicated level called "Datum" (and even give it a different colour - to differentiate it from all the others).

I position this level at RL.0.00 (See picture 1)

Then I import a DWG (Survey) and manually place it on this "Datum" level (if the Survey is not done already in 3-D, I modify it in AutoCAD to have the contour lines have their "Z-values" corresponding to their real life representation).

Then, when you create a toposurface - the contours will be in accordance with the survey.

I also set my Site Settings as shown on picture 3

Picture 2 is a 3-D view of the Survey (line sketch) and created toposurface (above it - shaded).