View Full Version : Not-a-group group

Andre Baros
2003-12-18, 05:56 PM
I placed a component (chair), arrayed it one direction, and then arrayed it in the other direction...looked good. Did a bunch of other stuff, saved a few times, and then decided that I needed to change the array (more chairs)... but I can't. When I try to do anything with any component of the array it tells me that I have to select the group and then edit group... but unlike every other group in the project, I don't have the option to edit this one. I can select any individual chair or combination of them but I can't do anything to them... where is the edit group command hidden... or how do I delete a group that I can't select?

Thanks agian,

2003-12-18, 06:51 PM
When you use the Array tool, you should notice one of the options is "Group and Associate". This is ON by default so when you array, all elements in the array become grouped, thus allowing you to easily modify the array at any point in the future.

Now, the question is, did you Group and Associate for each array? If so, you will have a group nested in another group. In either case, you should see the Edit Group button appear above the drawing window when you select any element in either of these groups.

Andre Baros
2004-01-12, 06:54 PM
Is there a way to audit a drawing to fix a bad group. I've have a group nexted inside another group and I can't select either one. Selecting any element of the group does not turn on the edit group command. Revit does agree that I need to edit the group because when I select and try to delete any element of the group it tells me that I must edit group first.

I posted this last year but haven't touched Revit since then.

Does switching to 6 do anything to drawings? Would that help (though I don't trust software enough to switch before my deadline this friday.)