View Full Version : Display & Callout issue

2005-05-02, 05:24 PM
With an overall floor plan that has a callout area, what options do I have for not displaying objects within the callout area? I have included a electrical plan as an example but it could also apply to lighting, plumbing or even architectural plans. Phases wouldn't seem to apply here since the enlarged plan still needs to show the symbols outside of the callout. Is there an option of the callout to white out everything (or some things) within its borders?

See attached and thanks,


2005-05-02, 05:59 PM
There is no way to overide the graphics in the callout area short of using the linework tool and linework/filled regions.

2005-05-02, 06:01 PM
Could this be a wish list item? What do you do at your firm?

2005-05-02, 06:08 PM
There is one way to do it, if you want to modify your families.

Attached is an outlet with a viisibility instance parameter. Once you place your callout, you can grab all the outlets within the callout area, go to properties, & turn them off.
:banghead:But I now take back this method, as the visibility parameter is not view specific.

2005-05-02, 07:54 PM
You just need a new subcategory in your annotation symbol. See attached sample.

Ah. Sorry. I see you want it half and half.

Worksets will do what you want.

2005-05-03, 11:26 AM
That would be a nice feature, a "view visibility" parameter, similar to the "visibility" parameter. When added to a family as an instance parameter,it would allow one to turn off components of the family only in that specific view, rather than globally, as the visibility parameter does so now.

2005-05-03, 01:05 PM
I spent a good portion of my time to try to explain carefully of a ?workaround? if you want to call it. explaining a way to make a family with 2 types, one regular and one for details...and I lost the info because I hit F5!!!!

So I won't spend the time to re explain this, I will just modify one family and post it here, and hopefully, if Millard (or anyone else) finds the process ok, then they can modify other objects they would want to behave this way....

Will be back!!!

2005-05-03, 02:07 PM
For some reason I can't keep the 2d symbol's sub-category invisible when inserted in a project...sounds weird...so...

The family will work, but you need to go to the view's properties' visibility (the main view, not the detail) and change the detail level for the electrical Fixtures to be "course" and that's it.

I initially wanted to control it by the sub category (turning off the sub category) but it didn't work for me :(

Hope this helps...