View Full Version : Export to DWG

2005-05-02, 06:01 PM
Is it possible in Revit 8 to export all components of a wall in different layers? I need to export only 3d view.

best regards

2005-05-02, 07:42 PM
I'm trying to make a short film in 3dviz, where an animated camera is orbiting around and inside the building. All is very simple ,no furniture, but I cant't export the components of the wall in different layers. This is a big problem. In ADT I had no problems exporting layers. I would appreciate some advice.

best regards

2005-05-02, 08:16 PM
Export to solids if you are making a video. under the advanced options of the export dialog box you can select solids vs. faces.

2005-05-03, 08:54 AM
Export to solids is a great feature, but since we are making video, we need different materials for the exterior and interior. Exporting the wall as one solid makes it very hard to have different materials on both faces of the wall. For now we are going to stick to ADT, because we do videos for every project.

Arnel Aguel
2005-05-03, 10:06 AM
This is how I work with your problem say for example you have one wall that you want to apply different material on both faces, in Revit use the paint bucket tool and paint say the interior side with a different material from the exterior side when you export this to viz (caution you need to install the Revit-viz plug-in in order for this to work) automatically it will create two sub-components in your wall category in viz as you have two different materials applied to your main wall in Revit. You can then select each subcomponent (interior and exterior face) and apply different material as you wish.

2005-05-03, 10:16 AM
Thank you for the tip Arnel. I'll try that.

best regards

Arnel Aguel
2005-05-04, 12:33 AM
Keep us posted how is your project going. Would love to see some updates I know you were using Vray so it must be a good one.