View Full Version : Changing underlay colors

2005-05-03, 02:10 PM
Is there a way of temporarily changing the color of an underlay. In a complex drawing, the halftone is sometimes ahrd to see, and it would be nice to have a contrasting color.

2005-05-03, 02:12 PM
The underlay, as far as I know, is an "untouchable"

2005-05-03, 10:37 PM
There is a workaround for these case though.

1. Create a duplicate view of the level to be underlayed and ( in 8.0 ) set its Graphic Over-rides for the Host layers cut styles to the color you want.

2. use the " Sheet Overlay " method to place that view and the subject view on a sheet in alignment. Set it to wireframe. Activate the subject view on the sheet and work away over your colored underlay.