View Full Version : Materials

2003-12-19, 12:17 AM
Hi Everyone

I am making new materials in my project, to access them all the time for other projects, do I save them in my template file ?

Thanks in Advance :?:

2003-12-19, 12:33 AM
Are these Revit materials, or Accurender Materials you're talking about?

Also do you want to make them available to others on a network?

2003-12-20, 03:12 AM
Both, but mainly Revit. Just on one machine

2003-12-20, 06:08 AM
To access Revit materials in all new projects, make them and save them into your template.

To access your new Revit materials in an existing project, open the existing project, then start a new blank project using the above template. With both open use the 'transfer project settings' tool, uncheck everything but materials, and you're done.

To access Accurender materials for all projects, simply create a user library under the rendering options, then save the materials there within the Accurender materia browser. Arrange however suits you. They will then be available to all your projects.

If more than one machine, then simply locate all of the above items on a network resource, and path your options approprately. That's what we do. :)

best of luck!