View Full Version : Views zoom out from where I left them

Martin P
2005-05-04, 09:01 AM
EDIT - I only just realised that zoom ALL and zoom FIT are different...... Dont really care now about the zoom all - its zoom fit I want to use really!! ( I only got this problem with ZA - I just wont use that anymore)

Having installed 8.0 this morning I am thinking maybe this is to do with my graphics card or something else maybe? I had always put this down to a bug with 7.0 that I never had before - (happens on all computers I see revit 7.0+ on though?)

attached image shows the behaviour.

When I go from say a floor plan zoomed in at a certain area to another plan. when I filck back to the original view Revit has Zoomed right out (further out than zoom all) and leaves some "junk" that needs me to zoom all or regen. NOTE - only if I zoom in the other views this happens (almost every time really).

Is it just me, or does everyone else get this too? is it supposed to do this (surely not??) anyone got any ideas on this. It is clearly a bug...... but is it my machine or is it Revit? and can I fix it?? - I want views to stay where they are zoomed in to when I left them..... and if they must zoom all, then at least to not do....... zoom all - then zoom out a couple of times (squint) - then leave some stuff for me to Regen, which is what I get now in 7.0 and 8.0

If it is a bug with Revit - then why has it not been fixed in 8.0? I know it has been brought up here several times. Would really like to know if its only my computer doing this. As far as I can see it is a problem on any machine (ie a bug with revit)

Martin P
2005-05-04, 12:56 PM
Just found the old thread on this, seems only myself and jetisart suffer from this - only replies were mine?What is the normal beahavior for Revit? does it zoom all when moving between views or does it always stay were you had left it zoomed to? As I say I have never seen Revit do anything other than the problem I describe on any PC since we started with 7.0.... what should it be doing?

Martin P
2005-05-04, 01:37 PM
just found this out by experimenting.....

Zoom All = zoom all (ie all windows)

Zoom Fit - zoom all (zoom all only in current window)

I admit that I have never read the help file on zooming!!.... seems really obvios now I actually see it, it even says "zoom ALL to FIT" -

maybe a bit clearer if it said "zoom all WINDOWS to fit" - being an old Autocad user I just assumed ZA was ZA.........

2005-05-04, 02:17 PM
I never knew that either, damn acad has warped our minds

2005-05-04, 02:23 PM
I have this problem, and it can be very bad at times. It only happens when I have OpenGL turned on. I reported it at Rel. 7, and was made to believe it is my graphics card/drivers.
It happens to me not just at ZA, but simply opening views will do it also (the screen junk
can completely obscure the view). If I minimize then maximize my window, the screen cleans, but hitting the regen view won't always clean it.

My card is an nVidia goFX5700 and is OpenGL feature rich.

2005-05-04, 02:33 PM
Doesn't effect me but I have seen it happen on a Laptop...


Martin P
2005-05-04, 02:33 PM
I cant and dont have openGL on at all.

I still got it doing this with ZA even with openGL off - but I now find it only happens with ZA - ZF is fine, so I am pretty much happy now.... I just wont use ZA!!

2005-05-04, 02:46 PM
Martin, If you use the right-click (contextual) menu you only get a Zoom To Fit option anyway and not a ZA option... no thinking required! :razz:


Martin P
2005-05-04, 03:13 PM
Ohhh no..... way too much mousing for me!! - I had "ZA" programmed in to my gesture keypad - I simply put down 4 fingers on it and it automatically typed ZA for me..... It now types ZF for me instead!!

2005-05-04, 09:12 PM
I always have problems when zooming in and out on wall sections that are "split", i.e. the crop box is split to cut out the middle portion of the view. I always see bits and pieces from above and below the split appearing in other places when I zoom or pan, have to hit F5 to clear it.