View Full Version : Map switches to Land Desktop without warning...

2005-05-04, 06:22 PM
I apologize ahead of time for this post because I know very little about Map 2005 or Land Desktop 2005. I'm trying to help our Civil department's CAD techs who don't have a CAD guru.

Here's the problem. This morning everything was running fine. The user uses Map 2005 to do some CAD with no problems. This afternoon they begin to use it. They launch Map and as it loads up, it finishes and then moves on to load Land.

So, instead of stopping with Map to allow the user to work in Map, it loads Map and then loads Land without warning. Any reasoning behind this or a solution to fix it?


2005-05-04, 06:28 PM
Never mind! We worked through it and it was something in the support paths that was making it do that. I'm stupid. Sorry. :)