View Full Version : Programing AUX1 and AUX2

Scott Hillman
2005-05-05, 03:12 PM
In autocad 2006 I can't seem to program my middle button and right button. In previous version I edited the ACAD.MNS file under




This would allow me to use my middle button to automatically snap to center point, mid point, end point and intersection. If I held down the shift key + pick it would snap to the perpendicular. It would also allow to shift+ right pick to snap to quad, tang and nod. Can anyone help me so that I can set this up in 2006? I'm kind of having a hard time with this new CUI.


2005-05-05, 10:49 PM
It is right there under the Mouse Buttons item. Mine work fine. Can you describe what you have tried?

Scott Hillman
2005-05-06, 02:53 PM
I can get one or the other but not both. I go to MOUSE BUTTONS, then under CLICK, then BUTTON 3 SNAP MENU. Then on the right side, in the properties portion of the dialog box, where it says macro, I put in "cen,mid,end,int;\", and it works. But when I go to SHIFT+CLICK, under BUTTON 3 SNAP MENU, which should be AUX2, it already has "cen,mid,end,int;\" in it. If I change it to "quad,tang,nod,per;\". It changes it back in my other one under CLICK. What am I doing wrong? I attached two screen captures for reference.

2005-05-06, 07:37 PM
Sounds like you have the same ID for both macros, which is a no-no if you don't want them to be the same. ;)

Scott Hillman
2005-05-09, 01:48 PM
This is how I accomplished this in AutoCAD 2002. My acad.mns file started like this


$M=$(if,$(eq,$(substr,$(getvar,cmdnames),1,5),GRIP_),$P0=ACAD.GRIPS $P0=*);
$P0=SNAP $p0=*

$P0=SNAP $p0=*



$P0=SNAP $p0=*

$P0=SNAP $p0=*

Notice AUX1 and AUX2. Where do I put this in AutoCAD 2006. Obviously it's done using the CUI, but how?