View Full Version : DIS-ALLOW WALL JOINS

2005-05-06, 01:57 PM
Is there a setting somewhere that I'm missing to default to "dis-allow" wall joins. Manually doing this on every wall join is just not an option IMO.

2005-05-06, 02:08 PM
I don't think so. I put a Wishlist Item out to give default options on wall joins. For me, I end up 99% of the time going back and changing every wall join to a miter. Think it's one of those really easy (so I assume) code items that just doesn't get implemented.

Scott D Davis
2005-05-06, 03:13 PM
Why would you need to Disallow joins on every wall? I've only found in projects a couple of instances where I need to use ut.

2005-05-06, 04:07 PM
I knew someone would ask that. :wink: We are a residential panelization company and need to be able to efficiently tell our plant how long to make walls. so it fits together in the field. sort of like a guided puzzle. The dis-allow join is the first part of the equation, then to be able to get accurate wall plate edge lengths including end angles in the schedules and other info would be the next part of the equation, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Gadget Man
2005-05-07, 09:34 AM
Also on the same note: why in the World the lenghts of the walls are reported to the centre of a perpendicular walls..!? If I want to know the lenght of a wall I want it from end to end - no walls are ending in the middle of another walls, are they?

2005-05-07, 09:48 AM
And if I measure two walls at a corner, what is the best lenght ?
At Internal face, external or middle ??

Gadget Man
2005-05-07, 09:53 AM
And if I measure two walls at a corner, what is the best lenght ?
At Internal face, external or middle ??
As I would like it - according to their joining definition... If they are mitered - to their centres all right, but if they are butted - as per their butting setup.

2005-05-07, 09:57 AM
I'm with you,
That would be the right way.
Have you post a wish on this ? I will vote for.

Gadget Man
2005-05-07, 10:19 AM
OK, it has been posted HERE (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=18958)! Please vote...

2005-05-09, 12:55 PM
As I would like it - according to their joining definition... If they are mitered - to their centres all right, but if they are butted - as per their butting setup.
Why does it still make sense to measure to the center of Mitered cuts? Just curious. For us that would be unacceptable as we measure on the edge of the board (preferably to the longest side) for miter cuts. I would presume most carpenters do the same, but I would just be guessing. Since many use this software for commercial it may be preferred the way it is... but I wouldn't know as I have practically nil experience with commercial construction.

To take it a bit further.... it should be optional to do either setup, for those that prefer it the way it is or have just gotten used to it and hate changing. Then users can turn on the preference if they like. I think it should report on the edge length of the wall plates for residential purposes, or better yet have the option of what to report on... overall core center, outside core edge, inside core edge, or any of the other edges that one might set up including multi layered core designs.

But I think this asking too much at this point as the software I believe was not intended to get that detailed. oh well... I guess all this answers my original questions. Thanks everyone.

Gadget Man
2005-05-09, 11:32 PM
Why does it still make sense to measure to the center of Mitered cuts? ...
Yes, you are right!

I came to realise that and expressed it HERE (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=18958&goto=newpost).

They should be measured to represent the greatest length of each wall - as you would measure it to find out, how much material you need.

Chad Smith
2005-05-09, 11:47 PM
Why would you need to Disallow joins on every wall?
We do commercial buildings which are primarily concrete tilt panel construction.

For those that don't know what tilt panel construction is, it is the process of pouring concrete slabs flat on a concrete bed, and when dried, a crane lifts them to a vertical position. So by using this method a wall can be made of multiple panels.

When we draw our projects we draw each panel separately, and there is a 20mm gap between each panel. But 20mm is to close and Revit joins them automatically hence the reason for dis-allowing joins. This becomes even more important at corners of a building where we show which panel is the 'dominant' corner panel. You don't mitre tilt panels, except for on a obtuse corner.

Gadget Man
2005-05-10, 12:46 AM
Yes, I do understand this process - I "commited" several shopping centres and some churches in my short career...

Even more so, as per your explanation, the current system of reporting wall lengths is not logical. I think, that my proposal still stends: report the greatest length of each wall - as constructed - whatever the situation... You can't go wrong with that.

2005-05-10, 12:50 AM

Although this is OT, have you tried curtain walls for this ?
Use a 20 mm mullion and then turn off mullion visibility.
If want to insert a window or door in a panel, you can change that panel to a wall that matches and you're done.

>>When we draw our projects we draw each panel separately, and there is a 20mm gap between each panel. But 20mm is to close and Revit joins them automatically hence the reason for dis-allowing joins. This becomes even more important at corners of a building where we show which panel is the 'dominant' corner panel. You don't mitre tilt panels, except for on a obtuse corner.

Chad Smith
2005-05-10, 12:56 AM
Haven't tried it, but I don't see any reason why that shouldn't work.
I'm trying to train new users up, so I'm wanting to keep objects defined as close to their true family as possible.
I might revisit it later down the track.

2005-05-10, 09:26 AM
Why does it still make sense to measure to the center of Mitered cuts? Just curious.

For cost estimating and quantity surveying purposes, measuring to the centre line of walls and foundations means that the corners are not counted twice when adding the areas of walls. With lots of wall returns, the areas of corners can be considerable.

But yes, for construction purposes it's the edge that matters

2005-05-10, 01:27 PM
...We are a residential panelization company and need to be able to efficiently tell our plant how long to make walls. so it fits together in the field. sort of like a guided puzzle. The dis-allow join is the first part of the equation, then to be able to get accurate wall plate edge lengths including end angles in the schedules and other info would be the next part of the equation, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

sounds almost like what would work better for you would be to be able to create a family that behaved as a wall as far as hosting windows and doors, but was a parametric object w/ endcap shape and size being schedulable properties. it would also have to be room bounding. don't know if you can make a family do all of that, but it seams more true to what you're doing that using the built-ion walls, no? are these panels in standard widths, thicknesses?

2005-05-10, 03:42 PM
sounds almost like what would work better for you would be to be able to create a family that behaved as a wall as far as hosting windows and doors, but was a parametric object w/ endcap shape and size being schedulable properties. it would also have to be room bounding. don't know if you can make a family do all of that, but it seams more true to what you're doing that using the built-ion walls, no? are these panels in standard widths, thicknesses?I have not seen what you talk about yet, but sounds like something to explore. got any examples/ samples? Yes all panels are made of 2x4 or 2x6 core. If they are exterior walls, they may have 1/2" or 5/8" sheathing.

Chad Smith
2005-05-10, 09:23 PM
See post here (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=121025#post121025).

2005-05-17, 12:00 PM
Thanks Chad. That is very helpful for any walls we have to split because of length issues (any way to control the default gap?)... unfortunately it seems a bit cumbersome to use for corner joins. I could probably work with it though and deal with the disconnected/unrelational wall corners.