View Full Version : Really Really Annoying Stair feature - UP/DN label

Paul Monsef
2005-05-06, 06:25 PM
Create a stair in say a 1/4" scale view... Then do a 1/2" Callout of that stair...

If I move the UP or DN TEXT, it moves in BOTH views. :banghead: I thought i was going crazy. :screwy:

Can someone please confirm this. :)

2005-05-06, 06:32 PM
Create a stair in say a 1/4" scale view... Then do a 1/2" Callout of that stair...

If I move the UP or DN TEXT, it moves in BOTH views. :banghead: I thought i was going crazy. :screwy:

Can someone please confirm this. :)Sorry Paul it's been this way forever...you aren't crazy. Or at least this issue doesn't confirm you as crazy, can't say about other things...eh?

I call this the stair UP/DN dance...fun to watch, not fun to experience first hand.

Might want to VOTE HERE (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=16551)