View Full Version : hiding in 3d view

2005-05-09, 01:47 PM
I would like to show the client a few views in 3d and need to hide a few things.What I actually want to do is show the home in 3d, then take the roof off to show the second floor and then take off the second floor to show the first. I go to view properties in the 3d view and can hide the roof, but I do not see how i can do the rest? When I tried to hide floors, it hides all the floors and etc.. Need some help.


2005-05-09, 01:55 PM
You can use the Temporary Hide/Isolate tool, or popularly named "The sunglasses" this would work for a live presentation, but not one that you can save. (not preferred in your case)

Another option is to have multiple views of the same information that has a section box enabled, this will allow you to cut portions of your project in each view. (preferred in your case) just drag the section box in front of your client to cut the building in front if his eyes...

The visibility override is to turn on or off all categories, unless they are subdivided in sub-categories, which the main wall, roof, etc are not dividable in sub categories.

Hope either of the options will work for you...

Scott D Davis
2005-05-09, 03:44 PM
Draw a Callout on Level 1 that surrounds the whole floor plan. Then go to a 3D view, and then go to View>Orient>To Other View and slect the callout you just made. The 3D view will orient itself to that plan view. It will look 2D, but simply Shift-Scroll Wheel Click to Orbit, and the 2D plan will orbit into a 3D view of the first floor. You may need to adjust the section box by highlighting it and then drag the grips.

Do the same from Level 2 to get a 3D section of your second floor.

Scott Hopkins
2005-05-09, 05:14 PM
One thing to remember when using the Hide/Isolate tool is that the changes you make will only show up on the screen. When you go to print, Revit will ignore all of the changes you made with the Hide/Isolate tool and print everything. Even if you use Revit's export image option, the saved jpeg image will disregard changes made with the Hide/Isolate tool. The only way around this is to use the Windows Print Screen key and then crop the image with a program like Photoshop.