View Full Version : UniformatClassifications.txt

2005-05-09, 08:19 PM
I had a bunch of questions but I just figured them all out :) except for the Revit Category number, anyone have a list of what category these numbers correspond to?

2005-05-09, 10:28 PM
Here they are if anyone is interested

Casework 2001000
Ceilings 2000038
Columns 2000100
Curtain Panels 2000170
Curtain Wall Mullions 2000171
Doors 2000023
Electrical Equipment 2001040
Electrical Fixtures 2001060
Floors 2000032
Furniture 2000080
Lighting Fixtures 2001120
Mechanical Equipment 2001140
Parking 2001180
Planting 2001360
Plumbing Fixtures 2001160
Railings 2000026
Ramps 2000180
Roads 2001220
Roofs 2000035
Site 2001260
Speciality Equipment 2001350
Stairs 2000120
Structural Columns 2001330
Structural Foundations 2001300
Structural Framing 2001320
Topography 2001340
Walls 2000011
Windows 2000014

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-05-10, 10:26 AM
Goggle uniformat classifications. tons of stuff. This is the reason I have such respect for the guy's who started this software. A little bit of R&D....makes our job easier. Our QS's are marveling at the MDB files (or exel) we pass on. I am going to start claiming a percentage of their fee. Seeing that I am doing all the work.
Here is a PDF that explains and breaks it down into all the catagories of Uniformat.
That's just Uniformat. You get Master format as well.

Scott Hopkins
2005-05-10, 04:30 PM
Thanks Zeds!

Aleksandr Sett
2006-11-14, 03:16 PM
There is a problem with russification of Uniformat classification... Revit does not accept Russian codings of fonts :( .

2006-11-14, 03:31 PM
Thanks Zed, i'm propagating that document through all the offices.

clog boy
2007-12-11, 11:57 AM
Was wondering about this too.
Any progress? Any other files available than the standard NIS coding? We'd like to make cost estimations based on SFB (which is pretty much the allmighty standard in the NL).

Thanks for the document.

EDIT: is there any way to make multicategory schedules with system families? We want to make calculations using their assembly codes, preferable all in one schedule.

2007-12-11, 02:35 PM
I beleive you must make your SFB.txt by scratch.
Portugal (where I live) as no classification standards.
I started translating the spanish classification system - NTE, but soon gave up.
Since there is still no common EU standard on that, I adopted the Masterformat and Uniformat.

clog boy
2007-12-11, 03:31 PM
I also think create a new one from scratch is the way to go.
Wasn't SFB an international ISO standard? The Revit file is a NIST standard.

Anyhow, we need SFB. I'm going to make it. Anyone who wants the file, contact my supervisor. Anything that your local office can calculate with will do IMO.

2007-12-12, 09:54 AM
Anyhow, we need SFB. I'm going to make it. Anyone who wants the file, contact my supervisor. Anything that your local office can calculate with will do IMO.

Why make it? Just contact Itannex and you will get a complete SFB list. We use it also.

clog boy
2007-12-20, 03:32 PM
My christmas wouldn't be complete without that list.
Can you send me your copy? Me and my sanity would thank you.

2010-08-12, 01:36 PM
My christmas wouldn't be complete without that list.
Can you send me your copy? Me and my sanity would thank you.
I am new to Revit and am feeling my way. In the UK we have our own building classification system (BCIS/NBS) and we also use SFB (swedish). Is there any way to selct the "Assembly classification" or is it hard wired. The Keynote file can be accessed dynamically [Annotate] [Tab] [Keynote settings] which allows you to have several alternatives that you can select on demand (US, UK or EU) etc).

Short cut:
You can open the original TXT file (either UniformatClassifcations.TXt or Keynote.TXT) in excel. This puts the three columns neatly separated.

Save as UniformatClassifications_OriginalFile.XLS (in your development directory)
Modify using Edit Replace etc, insert rows as required.
Save as UniformatClassification_UK_Equivalent.XLS (or in Dutch etc)
Delete all headers, delete columns to the left and all notes etc
Save as UniformatClassifactions.TXT in the original \Program\ directory

The assembly codes and descriptions will now be in Dutch and SFB categories etc.