View Full Version : Reuse sheet of details

2005-05-10, 04:52 PM
I think I already know the answer but I thought no harm in asking. Is there any "easy and quick" way to take a full sheet of details from another project and copy to a current project so I can reuse the details with a minimal amount of fuss?

2005-05-10, 09:31 PM
Is copy ... paste the only way? This is crazy - there has to be a better way???

2005-05-10, 09:50 PM
Could someone please explain how one saves the detail as a "group" and resuses the detail before I make a mess of my project. Thanks in advance.

Mr Spot
2005-05-11, 12:26 AM
Group the information you want and rename the group to be descriptive of its contents.

Then in your project browser navigate to the appropraite group, right click and save in a central location. Then simply load group in your new project.


2005-05-11, 03:06 AM

Tried it - works great - thank you.

Martin P
2005-05-11, 07:22 AM
uHi Mr Spot - sorry to disagree with you!!

As to edit groups you have to -open a project, locate group, load, place, edit group, edit the lines,add to group, finish group, save, close project - then locate it, load into your project, place it..... - you are doing quite a bit more work than simply cutting and pasting objects that arent groups in another open project.

I have found that you are just as well to have a project which contains all your details, and copy and paste them as you need them. Saving them out as groups hasnt got any great benefit as far as I can tell, you cant open them on their own and groups are a pain to alter when it comes to details (load group,edit group, add to group, finish group,save group..........) - in my experience I have found it quite a hindrance to be honest as it takes quite a lot of time to alter them for no real benifits. Major alterations often require an ungroup and you then cannot save over the existing group name!!!!!

A family specifically for details is required. or groups require a bit of an overhaul to make them usable....Please vote for it......
